Research Reports
Suggestions for Continuous Development of Controlled Horticulture Industry

AuthorPark, Hyuntae
Publication Date2009.10.01
The main goal of this research is to analyze the changing condition of the horticultural industry and present suggestions to improve its production and export sector. In detail, we reviewed the pending problems of the horticultural industry, that is problems related with selection of seeds, energy usage, and export, and made several recommendations in this regard.
Even though our technological level and infrastructure for seed development lag behind those of developed countries, it seems that possibilities are enormous. The principal aim of developing seeds is to increase farm income by reducing royalty payments through the use of domestically developed seeds, and to develop the seed industry by seeking greater opportunities in domestic and overseas markets. To do so, seed development should be one that meets the taste of consumers. Second, we should develop a number of excellent seeds to replace imported ones. Third, in order to ensure export competitiveness, we need to develop seed varieties that importers want.
Since horticultural production is dependent on energy, heating expenses have a direct impact on greenhouse horticulture. To reduce the burden of heating expenses, new renewable energy sources such as geothermal heat and wood pellets have been under review recently. According to economic analyses, geothermal heat pumps are more economical than diesel boilers in terms of fuel saving, production amount, CO2 reduction, etc. Also, wood pellets' caloric value is higher than that of wood chips. Wood pellets are easy to use and emit less pollutants, but are disadvantageous in that manufacturing process is complex and manufacturing cost is high. Nevertheless, the use of wood pellets in rural areas is far from prevalent due to the high cost of installing wood pellet stoves. To expand the use of renewable energy, the government needs to continuously provide assistance for renewable energy facilities.
In this era of open market, horticultural crop export should be pursued actively to improve the quality and competitiveness of the local agricultural industry. This is so since agricultural produce cultivated at greenhouses are mostly export-driven and the success in expanding export sales has a huge impact on business performance.
In order to expand horticultural export, first of all, the export volume should be secured in a stable manner, and it can be achieved by systematically running a relevant organization and unifying contact points through binding agreements. Second, the competitiveness in terms of quality and reliability could be enhanced by continuously developing new technologies and improving production facilities and by making a one-stop logistics system possible from harvest to export. Also, focusing on differentiated production through the development of various packaging arrangements and designs that are suitable for target markets is a strategy that can enhance the marketability of produced commodities. Third, in order to lay down a stable production base, organizations that specialize in export and one particular commodity should be fostered to handle all operations from production to export.
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