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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A study on Agricultural and Rural Development Plan for Andong City

2009.05.01 23283
  • Author
    Park, Seokdoo
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The aim of this research is to grasp the changes in domestic and overseas situation around the farming and to survey the geographic/socio-economic properties of Andong and to evaluate the merit/demerit and potential of regional farming so as to set up the mid-term and long-term development plan of farming, rural town and food industry in the whole area of Andong.
The spatial range of this research is 1 eup, 13 myun and 6 dong excluding the east part of downtown in all administrative districts of Andong. The base year is 2008 and the term of plan is 10 years from 2009 to 2018.
The specialized items of region must be based on main agricultural and livestock products and the development of each circle must be arranged to fully utilize the local property. While Andong produces diverse agricultural and livestock products, the main items according to national rank and specification coefficient of Andong are rice, bean, apple, red pepper, watermelon, onion, tonic, chrysanthemums, Korean cow, pig, etc.
In order to improve Andong's agricultural marketing and export, the main tasks are as follows: ① Promotion of Andong agricultural products' bargaining power through revitalization of the producing regions' marketing organizations, ② attaining product differentiation and high-quality reputation by co-branding and cooperative brand managing, ③ promotion of Andong's marketing efficiency by improving producing regions' marketing facilities, ④ streng- thening of competition power in producing regions' market by maintenance of function and expansion of facilities of wholesale market in Andong, ⑤ expan- sion of Andong's agricultural export and exploitation of overseas new markets by establishment of supporting systems, ⑥ establishment of local food system.
The followings are the main measures required of development plans for Andong's food industry. ① Establishment of the experience center for traditional food culture as a hub institution(food town), ② support for network enhancement between institutions related to food industry, ③ support for publicity and marketing of Andong's processed food, ④ development of new competitive products such as functional food or drinks, ⑤ establishment of connecting network between producers of raw materials and food companies in order to promote use of agricultural and livestock products in Andong, ⑥ securing safety and supporting quality certifications for food processing companies in Andong.
The main measures for the rural development and rural tourism are as follows: ① Constitution of material foundations: making beautiful Andong, ② establishment of facilities for interchange or experience between rural community and city, ③ establishment of facilities for villegers' health, exercise, and joint cooking, ④ construction of key structure for multi-use such as agricultural theme park, ⑤ cultivation of persons in charge of rural tourism.
The main actions for upbringing of agricultural manpower and enterprises are as follows: ① Expansion of agricultural internship system, ② support for farmers newly started or returned, ③ Support for incorporating farm management, ④ Support and utilization of leading farms, ⑤ Revitalization of study groups for various crops.
Andong's annual budget has increased by 195.5 billion won (47.8%) from 409.4 billion won in 2005 to 604.9 billion won in 2009, putting together general account and special account (other special account excluding special account for public enterprises). However, the financial independence showed a slight decrease from 18.9% in 2005 to 18.5% in 2008.
The basic directions to practice the investment and loan project suggested in this study are as follows: ① Investment and loan should be placed first in projects related to development of main bodies in charge of farm management such as agricultural manpower and enterprises. ② Proportions of the investment and loan for projects related to multi-industrialization of agriculture should be increased ③ Even though it is easy to prioritize advantageous regions and their main products, the advantageous regions' agriculture should be left to grow on its own, and governmental policy should increase loan and investment for regions with disadvantageous conditions and their products. ④ For local representative products and growing products, loan and investment should be placed centrally in improving agricultural marketing efficiency, especially enlargement and organization of marketing, and brand developing projects.

Consulting Report for Making Plan Guidance and Manual of Basic Settlement Areas
Strategies for Revitalizing the Major Upland Crops Industry