Research Reports
Current Situation of Rural Multi-Cultural Families and Policy Tasks

AuthorPark, Daeshik
Publication Date2008.11.01
The main purposes of this study are as follows: 1) to investigate current situation of rural multi-cultural families centering on farming and other economic activities, social welfare services; 2) to identify the current conditions and problems of the related policies; 3) to suggest policy tasks from the multi-cultural perspective.
The major research methods were the field survey, in-depth interview, the collection and analysis of existing data, and so on. The field survey was conducted among 400 rural multi-cultural families. Existing related data were collected by searching the data of related research institutes and governmental organizations. The in-depth interview was conducted among 20 rural multi-cultural families. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, mean were used to organize and summarize the data.
According to the field survey, 43.2% of the female respondents answered that they were not(or rarely) participating in farming. Only a small percentage(7.5%) of the female respondents answered that they were participating non-farm economic activities. 79.1 percent of rural multi-cultural families had the farm land of 2ha or less. 53.6 percent of rural multi-cultural families had the annual household income of 20 million won or less.
Major policy tasks from the multi-cultural perspective are ①improvement of multi-cultural family related laws; ② construction of cyber support system, ③ provision of precise information and pre-education, ④ improvement of service delivery system, ⑤ reinforcement of Korean and mother tongue education, ⑥ improvement of agricultural education, ⑦ construction of agricultural foundation and support for agricultural succession generation, ⑧ support of agribusiness and non-farming activities, ⑨ improvement of social welfare system and expansion of social welfare services.
Researchers: Dae-Shik Park, Kyung-Eun Choi
Research Period : 2008.1. ~ 2008.11.
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