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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

2008 The Nation opinion research to Agriculture and rural community

2008.11.01 27478
  • Author
    Kim, Dongweon
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This research paper is a summary of 2008 The nation opinion research to agriculture and rural community conducted with 666 people relating to agriculture and 1,508 people living in city area during September, 2008.
According to the research, people living in rural area and city chose the first agriculture policy which has to be focused and proceeded as the “preparation of market opening”. People living in rural area chose " the stabilization of price and agricultural product supply and demand as the second meanwhile people in city area chose " ensuring safety of agricultural product".
More than half of people relating to agriculture(60.2%) expressed positive opinion on the promotion of agriculture product proceeded by the Government that It can bring a positive result upon efforts in agriculture export.
In terms of the change in production cost caused by the price increasing of raw material, almost all people relating to agriculture (96.5%) answered that the cost has been increased uo to 30% because of the price increase of raw material, which indicates the large increae on production cost.
People living in city area answered that they check the origin when they purchase meet and grain product and “the quality and taste” for vegetable, fruit, fishes and going out for a meal.
They did not answer positively whether they are willing to buy imported rice (6.2%) and beef from America (10.6%). Both of two showed the lowest figure. However, 19.0% of people said that they are willing to buy beef from Australia, 21.4% for fruits from foreign country and 14.5% for imported processed food.
After the crisis of Beef trading negotiation, 30.6% of people living in city area answered that they reduced the consumption of beef. The reasons they suggested were “unable to divide Korean meat and imported meat(35.2%)” and “afraid of eating beef(35.6%)”.
About 74.6% of people living in city area answered that they confirm the origin of the product when they purchase food, which is very high proportion. For the enhancement policy of origin display, 45.4% of people assessed that it is working and 21.4% of people answered that it doesn't have any effect.
For current residence environment, 49.8% of people in city area expressed satisfaction while only 19.8% of people in rural area answered satisfaction. In terms of the quality of living, about 13.1% of people in rural area said that they are having high quality of life. However, people in city area who answered the same reached to 19.3% which is 6.2%p higher than the figure mentioned before.
About 73.3% of people in city area said that they are for the increase of budget on rural area welfare. Also 85.6% of people in city area agreed that rural area needs special welfare policy. Both of the 2 questions showed high positive rate.
Researchers: Dong-Weon Kim and Hye-Jin Park
E-mail address: dongweon@krei.re.kr, frog78@krei.re.kr

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Strategies on Revising Primary and Secondary School Textbooks for Reflecting the Functions and Values of Agriculture, Fishery and Food Industries