Research Reports
A Study on the Strategies for the Promotion of the Local Food Industry in Korea

AuthorLee, Dongphill
Publication Date2007.12.01
Since the local food made of regional materials and recipes, and as the consuming of local food helps create jobs and stimulate tourism, they can be a strong instrument for vitalizing the regional economy. The consumption of local seasonal food also helps secure food safety and provide opportunities to lead a sustainable and environment-friendly life.
This study focused on the following questions; (1) what is the definition, and the implications of the local food?; (2) how many varieties of local food are there and how are they distributed?; (3) what are the current situations and faced difficulties of the local food industry? and (4) how can the local food industry be promoted to vitalize the regional economy? The special concerns of this study lie in the question of how to protect the intellectual property rights of the brand names of local food which are well known as regional properties. The ultimate purpose of this study is to identify policy alternatives for the development of local food industry in Korea.
The study proposed followings as policy alternatives for the development of local food industry based on the research: (1) finding new local food items which are forgotten and commercializing through research and development, (2) providing training opportunities for recipe of local food, (3) developing the local food cluster with integrated incentive system, (4) secure the stable supply of raw materials, (5) promote the processing of local food and marketing at franchised restaurants, (6) promote local food in connection with tourism industry through local food festival and travel programs, and (7) recommend the adoption of a labeling system to protect the intellectual property rights of well-known local food brand names.
In addition, this study emphasizes the importance of education about local food and consumers’ ability to differentiate local food from other instant food for the promotion of the local food industry as a whole.
Researchers: Dong-Phil Lee, Kyung-Eun Choi
Research Period: 2007. 1. 1 ? 11. 30
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