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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Comparative Study between Korea and Japan on Endogenous Rural Development

2007.12.01 60126
  • Author
    Kim, Taegon
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This research is a comparative study between Korea and Japan on the policies for endogenous rural development. From 2005 to 2007, this research has been carried out in the form of a comparison study with Tokyo University of Agriculture. A literature survey, case investigations, and workshops were conducted throughout the proceeding. The final report is the culmination of three years of research.
Based on the concept of internal development which has the five components of ‘leadership,’ ‘organization,’ ‘resources,’ ‘action,’ and ‘external assistance,’ this study analyzed the conditions and chances for internal development through comparative case studies on rural village development, rural-urban exchanges, and local community organization.
Because of the high rate of rural-urban migration and the aging of rural communities, traditional social organizations in Korea have become weak and dissolved. In the case of Japan, it is very rare that traditional community organizations still remain. However, social organizations in Japanese rural communities are well organized according to the needs of modern community living in the spheres of autonomous village administration, economics, religion, and culture.
The community farming group in Japan could save production cost and prevent the increase of idle farm land in rural community. It is also possible to increase income and employment in the farm sector through the increase of vegetable cultivation after rice and the increase of farm processing and rural tourism.
The leaders of group farming in the case of Japan are mostly part-time farmers and new farmers who haven chosen farming as their livelihood after retirement from non-farm business. The experiences learnt from the non-farm sector becomes valuable for vitalizing group farming activities.
However, in the case of Korea, the leaders of cooperative farming companies are mostly full-time farmers. Therefore, the new farmers who have experience in the non-farm business sector are not utilized. The leadership of new farmers must be considered for the vitalization of cooperative farming companies in Korea.
The community building in Korea and Japan are very similar in objectives, contents, activities, resources, and outside supports. The ways for endogenous rural community development could be classified into four steps according to the process of development and the role play between community people and local government: mobilized, participatory, initiative and autonomous. The facilitators such as NPOs, experts, companies and civic organizations, in particular, play important roles for each step of endogenous development.
The activities of civic organizations in the form of NGOs are increasing in Korea, and the weaknesses of rural community activities caused by aging and depopulation are covered by civic organizations such as NPOs in Japan. For the endogenous rural community development in Korea, it is desirable to foster facilitators such as NPOs in Japan and develop various programs for the participation of community people in the course of endogenous community development.
Researchers: Kim, Tae-Gon; Chung, Ki-Whan; Song, Mi-Ryung and Heo Joo-Nyung
E-mail address: taegon@krei.re.kr

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