Research Reports
Characteristics of Dealings in Environment-friendly Agricultural Products

AuthorJeong, Eunmee
Publication Date2006.11.01
By the environment-friendly(hereafter EF) agricultural policy and toward the safety food of consumers, there is much growing supply and demand for EF agricultural products, in Korea. But, in general, EF agricultural products are known as unique, unreasonable and high price system.
This study aims to make clare the characteristics of dealings in EF agricultural products and the different from the agricultural products. The mail results of this study are summarized as follows.
Firstly, farmers and consumers directly participate in the distribution, and the major distributors participate in the market of EF agricultural products after the certification system is got ready. Because EF agricultural products is not dealt and the price system is not built up in agricultural wholesale market.
Secondly, the price of EF agricultural products is generally decided on the negotiation between producers and distributors. The price is based on production cost and plus the distribution cost and profit. So that, the price of EF agricultural products is meant that the producers can be reproduced the EF agricultural products and the living of producers can be maintained.
Thirdly, the confidence of quality in EF agricultural products is achieved by the mutual agreement between farmers and consumers and confidence system such as certification system, direct-deal and communication of the opinion among farmers and consumers. Such the adjustment in the quality of EF agricultural products is based on the certification system, and further the farmers and consumers is promoting the adjustment of quality not only the certification system but also direct-deal and intercommunication using the internet. This is the adjustment of quality that farmers can be recognized and concerned the consumers life by consumers positive action of demanding the safety food.
Researchers: Jeong Eun-Mee
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