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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Policy Issues and strategy to boost Biomass Utilization in Agricultural Sector- Problems and Issues in Korea-

2006.11.01 44936
  • Author
    Kang, Changyong
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This is the first year report of the two-year(2006-2007) research entitled 'Policy issues and strategy to boost biomass utilization in agricultural sector'. The ultimate purpose of the study is to establish mid and long term policy directions and strategies to boost biomass utilization in agricultural sector in order to revitalize a stagnant rural areas.
This present study analyzes on current situation of biomass production and utilization in rural areas, the points at issue, and related supporting institutions and finally draws policy issues. This study is conducted with three fields separately, which is agriculture, livestock and forestry. Following is the summarized important results(problems) of each fields respectively.
○ To supply Effective & Efficient Facilities for Processing
○ Reconstruction of Effective & Efficient Collection System
○ Promoting of R&D and Construction of Extension System for Advanced Biomass using Technology
○ To improve a System of Affairs Management
○ To develop Efficient Facilities for Livestock Waste
○ To enlarge Demand of Livestock Manure
○ To reduce Collection & Delivery Cost
○ To make Marketing System to be Efficient
○ To develop Biomass using Technology
Researchers: Kang Chang-Yong, Park Hyun-Tae, Shin Yong-Kwang, Min Kyung-taek
E-mail address: cykang@krei.re.kr

Social Safety Net for the Rural Elderly and Policy Improvement Measures
Investigation on the Management Status of Agricultural Corporations and Finding Ways for Institutional Improvement