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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Building the Infrastructure for Regional Innovation System in Rural Regions

2006.11.01 56421
  • Author
    Song, Miryung
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The aim of this study is to suggest the direction for building the infrastructure of the regional innovation system (RIS) on which the RIS is established and operates, and to seek necessary policy support measures, by analyzing the current situation of the RIS.
This study is divided into five parts. In the first part, concepts such as 'innovation of rural regions' and 'RIS of rural regions' are defined. In the second part, the current situation of the RIS of rural regions is analyzed, and the difference between the regions is analyzed. In the third part, various innovation cases in rural regions are studied. In the fourth part, the implementation situation of policy projects aimed to build the RIS infrastructure in rural regions are analyzed. In the fifth part, the direction for building the RIS infrastructure and policy support are set forth.
The regional innovation of rural regions can be defined as "the collection of group activities organized to make new attempts for regional problem resolution and value enhancement." However, there are regional gaps in infrastructure where the RIS can operate both in terms of quantity and quality. Cities ["Si" in Korean] have relatively sounder RIS infrastructure compared with counties ["Gun" in Korean]. It was found the areas which have a weak RIS infrastructure are in the most disadvantage in terms of regional development. For the regions whose the infrastructure of regional innovation is feeble, nurturing local talents was found to be the most necessary.
Despite disparity in the infrastructure of regional innovation, various regional innovation activities are taking place. The study and analysis of 22 cases have found 14 types of entities are performing 68 types of activities. Regional innovation activities can be broken down into 'product innovation', 'production process innovation', 'marketing innovation', 'organizational innovation', and 'innovation in other areas (welfare, training, environment).' They will be implemented for 3 to 20 years undergoing status diagnosis, planning, execution, and expansion. In most regional innovation activities, four types of group activities are commonly found including 'shared perception', 'learning', 'organization', and 'regulations and systems.' In particular, network survey and analysis found it is more effective to structure and operate local entity-initiated issue networks to deal with current issues of the region instead of pursuing forced policy network.
Several policies have been implemented to facilitate regional innovation activities in the places with relatively insufficient innovation foundation and contributed to forming the vertical alliance and a social network of stakeholders centered around leading regional industries. Nevertheless, so far the project period has not been sufficient, and the capacity of regional human resources is not enough.
Therefore, to build the RIS infrastructure, 'openness', 'comprehensiveness', and 'sustainability' should be applied as principles. Under the principles, the policy project's implementation period needs to be extended; rich policy menus should be suggested; the regional choices should be expanded; and the scope of participants should be enlarged in the course of executing policy projects. It is also needed to improve the existing new drive projects, forum support projects, regional innovation council, and so on to make sure of their contribution to regional innovation activities. The social infrastructure of rural regions should be strengthened by identifying resources for regional diagnosis, supporting DB building, supporting the establishment of legally binding plans by cities and counties, creating region-specific education system, strengthening the capability of public officials of local governments, and building an open network for stimulating NPOs and experts' participation in rural development.
Researchers: Song Mi-Ryung, Park Ju-Young, and Kim Jeong-Seop
Research Period: 2006. 1. - 2006. 11.
E-mail Address: mrsong@krei.re.kr

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