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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Evaluation of the Situation and Achievement on Agricultural Policy

2006.03.01 43937
  • Author
    Kim, Jeongho
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This study aims to review main Korean agricultural policies and evaluate their achievement. Furthermore, we also present strategic policy measures to assess loans and investments projects that be operated under the 'Participatory Government'. Based on the analytic results, we provide several significant political implications and actual policies as followings.
Firstly, in order to systematize agriculture·rural·farm policies, the central government should enforce the main policies of being related with agricultural whole sectors and ensure successful implementations of agricultural policies by local governments. A priority should be given to provide the local governments with the basis for capacity building to promote endogenous local development. Secondly, government should endeavor to inspect related policies and establish efficient policy management systems coping with economy situation in further opening market.
Obviously, one of most important things is a renewal of public faiths regarding government policies because it is a prerequisite to reflect rapidly changing consumers' demands and market dynamics. Another is a large investment, such as enlarging a budget of direct payments and enforcing farm supporting, should be adjusted by results of WTO negotiation.
Researcher: Jeong-Ho Kim, Hong-Sang Kim, Mi-Ryung Song, Byoung-Hoon Lee
e-mail Address: jhkim@krei.re.kr

A Study on Developing Livestock Insurance Programs in Korea
An Analysis of the Effect of Fruit Imports in Korea