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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Marketing Innovation Strategies of the Agricultural Produce Shippers and Adaptation of the Korean Agricultural Cooperatives

2004.12.01 44182
  • Author
    Hwang, Euisik
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Marketing Innovation Strategies of the Agricultural Produce Shippers and Adaptation of the Korean Agricultural Cooperatives
This study aims to establish the marketing innovation strategies of the agricultural produce shippers and provide the right direction for the adaptation of the agricultural cooperatives. This study can be divided into six sections. Firstly, the current situation in the trade practices between agricultural produce shippers and food retailers is changing according to new paradigm. Secondly, the present condition and problems of marketing in agricultural products are examined through the related information and statistics. Thirdly, the direction for innovation of marketing in agricultural produce shippers is proposed. Fourthly, the section deals with the reformation process of marketing organizations in agricultural produce shippers. Fifthly, the innovation strategies for marketing of agricultural cooperatives is exhibited. Lastly, policy alternatives to construct the basis of systems for innovation of marketing in agricultural produce shippers are suggested.
The trend of agricultural marketing environment drives innovation in the agricultural produce shippers and needs new adaptation of the agricultural cooperatives. If innovation in agricultural produce shippers is failed, the market share in the agri-food market of the korean agricultural produce shippers could be dramatically decreased.
Innovation of the agricultural produce shippers is difficalt to achieve only through improving the functions of distribution channel in agricultural products. In the process of innovation, adaptation of organization should be included. The role of agricultural cooperatives in the trend of the agricultural market environment producing district is very important. Under this situation, the reform the of agricultural cooperative is required. Through the reform, agricultural cooperatives have to get over the current problems. Agricultural cooperatives in Korea must adjust their organizational structure to market-oriented one. In addition to this, larger scale and stability in supply should be guaranteed. Also producer systematization cannot be excluded.
To promote the innovation in agricultural cooperative, the related law should be amended. The concept of co-business corporate should be included in the law to incorporate independently. The member-cooperatives of NACF (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) traditionally have focused on credit business. Hence the role of NACF is very important because the direction for innovation of marketing in agricultural producing district depends on NACF’s vision in case of member- cooperatives.
Researchers: Hwang Eui-Sik, Cho Myung-gi, Park Jaehong, Cho Kyung-Chool
E-mail address: eshwang@krei.re.kr

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