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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Food Self-sufficiency rate based on Minimum Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy

2004.03.01 46173
  • Author
    Choi, Jihyeon
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Objective of this study is to define food self-sufficiency rate based on minimum dietary reference intakes(MDRI)_for energy.
The result showed that minimum dietary reference calories will be 1,250~1,500Kcal. For food self sufficiency based on MDRI, In 2020, rice production will be 4,345~5,105 thousand metric tons. Paddy area will be 420~489thousand ha will be needed for rice and total agricultural land will be 960~1,050 thousand ha.
Self sufficiency rate for protein and calcium will be 70%, which exist a unbalance between nutrients.

A study on the directions of developing systematic feeds and measures to pursue joint projects
A market research to improve the distribution structure of mandarin