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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

The Trend of Shiitake Industry and the Plan of It's Outlook Project

2003.12.01 53927
  • Author
    Seok, Hyundeok
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The Ttrend of Shiitake Industry and the Plan of It's Outlook Project
Since the forestry product outlook project provides informations on forest product prices and quantities which are essential informations for improving farm planning and marketing strategies, the outlook project could be crucial for stabilizing the forest products market and improving farm household income. The Shiitake industry is the one of highly capital and technology-intensive industries among forest product industries, and the management profits of the Shiitake industry are highly depend on production timing, the outlook project for the industry can be largely effective.
The outlook project for Shiitake industry will begin on the March of 2004. The Monthly Shiitake Outlook will be issued as periodicals and distributed to the growers.
Researchers: Seok Hyun-Deok and Min Kyung-Taek
E-mail Address: hdseok@krei.re.kr, minkt@krei.re.kr

The Performance of Agricultural R&D in the Rice Industry
A Study on a Workout Program for Farm Households in Korea