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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

An Analysis of Problems and Estimation of social cost of agricultural machinery accidents in Korea

2003.12.01 45701
  • Author
    Kang, Changyong
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The objectives of this study are to analysis the actual conditions and problems of agricultural machinery accidents, to scrutinize the countermeasures to improve the problems of those and to estimate the social cost of agricultural machinery accidents by using the Gross Lost Output Approach, considered to be well-suited method. For the analysis of actual conditions and problems, the number of 202 accidents of agricultural machinery accidents were used and the number of 108 accidents for the estimation of the social cost of agricultural machinery accidents. Agricultural machinery accidents on this study includes only the accidents of power-tiller, tractor, transplanter, combine and small-managerial power-tiller.
First of all, we can know the elder operators had higher rate of accidents from the analysis the actual conditions and problems including of agricultural machinery accidents. The 84.7 percentage of accidents was happened in power-tiller and tractor which has multi-functionality while at work in field. Two times of peak on agricultural machinery accidents in a year was witnessed, before and after of May and October, which expressed 72.8 percentage of accidents. We can also observe the two times of peak in a day, before and after of AM 10 and PM 4. Accident rate of power-tiller and tractor was relatively higher on the road including field and village road accidents, instead of this, in the case of transplanter and combine, accident rate was higher in the working field. The major portion of agricultural machinery accidents was a single injured accident that means to throw just operator in damage. The 95.8 percentage of accidents related with motors was mutual collision. The accident rate of overturn of agricultural machinery and fall from machinery was one-half of all accidents, which took higher risk to operators. All of dead accidents was happened in power-tiller and tractor, higher cutting accident rate in transplanter and combine. The accident rate of cutting limbs was over 65 percentage.
The major cause of agricultural machinery accidents was mistake and carelessness of operators, which explained 66.3 percentage of accidents. The second cause was an unforeseen factor affected the agricultural machinery accidents. Of course there were a drunken driving, bad working field condition and so on.
We want to suggest, as a countermeasures to prevent agricultural machinery accidents, deep and wide education and training for operation of agricultural machinery. Operators' careful and sane driving were also needed to protect them from accidents.
The social cost of one accident in agricultural machinery was estimated as 97.7~97.8 million won that is 4 fold of farm household income. Direct cost(future income loss + medical cost + vehicles repairing cost) of the agricultural machinery accidents was over 1.7 fold of farm household income. The largest cost of accident was happened in tractor accident, was estimated 128.6 million won.
Researcher: Kang Chang-Yong and Oh Se-Ik
E-mail Address: cykang@krei.re.kr, seikoh@krei.re.kr

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