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  • 남북한 농림업부문 녹색성장을 위한 협력 방안
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    권태진 , 김영훈; 남민지

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 녹색성장은 환경보전과 경제성장이라는 두 가지 가치를 동시에 추구하는 개념이다. 녹색성장은 이명박 정부가 추구하는 핵심적인 정책의 하나로 모든 분야에 걸쳐 추진되고 있다. 대북정책에 있어서는 녹색 한반도를 실현하기 위한 상생과 협력전략을 추구하고 있다.

    이 연구는 이러한 배경에서 추진되었다. 지금까지의 대북정책이 일방적인 지원에 중점을 두었다면 앞으로는 남북한이 상생하기 위한 협력에 중점을 둘 필요가 있다. 남북한이 협력을 하되 기후변화에 대응하여 한반도의 환경을 지키면서 성장을 추구한다면 서로 상생하는 협력이...

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서 론
      제2장 농림업부문 녹색성장 정책의 방향
      제3장 기후변화가 남북한 농림업에 미치는 영향
      제4장 녹색성장 관련 국제협력 동향
      제5장 녹색성장과 남북협력의 연계 가능성
      제6장 농림업부문 남북협력 추진전략


    녹색성장은 환경보전과 경제성장이라는 두 가지 가치를 동시에 추구하는 개념이다. 녹색성장은 이명박 정부가 추구하는 핵심적인 정책의 하나로 모든 분야에 걸쳐 추진되고 있다. 대북정책에 있어서는 녹색 한반도를 실현하기 위한 상생과 협력전략을 추구하고 있다.

    이 연구는 이러한 배경에서 추진되었다. 지금까지의 대북정책이 일방적인 지원에 중점을 두었다면 앞으로는 남북한이 상생하기 위한 협력에 중점을 둘 필요가 있다. 남북한이 협력을 하되 기후변화에 대응하여 한반도의 환경을 지키면서 성장을 추구한다면 서로 상생하는 협력이 될 것이다. 농림업은 기본적으로 환경을 지키는 녹색부문이지만 좀 더 효과적으로 녹색성장 전략을 추진한다면 환경부담을 최소화시키면서 지속적인 성장을 구현할 수 있을 것이다.

    이 연구는 지금까지 남북한 사이에 합의되었거나 협의된 농림업부문 협력방안을 녹색성장이라는 새로운 가치에 맞추어 전략을 세우고 사업의 우선순위를 조정하여 녹색 한반도를 실현코자 하는 정부의 대북정책을 뒷받침하는 데 일차적인 목표를 두고 있다.

    This study aims to find out the possibilities of cooperation between South and North Korea for green growth in the agricultural sector, analyze the effects of cooperation, and suggest policy directions toward North Korea and strategies for green growth. The study seeks to contribute to the implementation of South Korea's policies toward North Korea and green growth by detailing the measures that can combine green growth with South Korea's policies toward North Korea, for coexistence and mutual prosperity.
    Green growth is a concept that seeks to attain the two values of 'green' and 'growth.' As a concept that encompasses not only economic development but also social development and environmental preservation, green growth's ultimate goal lies on improving the quality of life by combining these elements in a non-confrontational, "win-win" way. The government legislated the Basic Law on Low-Carbon Green Growth on January 13, 2010, and enforced it on April 14, 2010.
    The ways through which South and North Korea can approach future cooperation projects for green growth in agricultural and forestry sectors can be divided largely into two methods: reducing the effect of climate change and adapting to climate change. Some of the cooperation projects that fit the reduction approach are projects that turn livestock waste into agricultural resources, preventing flood damage in the Imjin River basin, reducing tensions between South and North Korea through peaceful use of the DMZ, building model green growth zone, improving natural environment on the Korean Peninsula through forestation and prevention of deforestation, and monitoring, preventing, and controling diseases and harmful insects through exchanges of agricultural climate data. As for adapting to climate change, it is necessary to promote joint research and human exchanges in preparation of the shifting in cultivation areas to North Korea, exchange agricultural and forestry experts, and foster human resources to increase the capacity for green growth.
    To connect South Korea's green growth strategy with South and North Korean cooperation, it is necessary to carry out green growth related projects prior to among the projects that have been agreed on and lay down a foundation for green growth on the Korean Peninsula by improving the projects. Furthermore, legal and institutional improvements are needed to carry out green growth projects through South and North Korean cooperation. South Korea's policies on North Korea should be implemented in conjunction with green growth by setting up a South-North Korean cooperation team in the 'Green Growth Committee' and a green growth team in the Unification Ministry. Other measures that can increase the green growth potential of North Korea should also be studied, including denuclearization, South-North Korean cooperation, improvement of North Korea's domestic environment for economic growth, and the five big assistance commitments. Expanding the green growth projects by using the South-North Cooperation Fund should also be studied.
    The priorities or contents of the projects that have been agreed on should be adjusted, first, to fit the purpose of green growth, rather than carrying out green-growth agricultural projects independently from the projects already discussed. Since green growth should reflect both the environment and agricultural development, green growth projects should be categorized into several programs according to project characteristics and prepare each program to seek green growth on its own.
    It is important that the government, local governments and the private sector divide up roles and establish a cooperative system. Since a lot of financial resources are needed to carry out cooperative development while promoting green growth, it is essential that the government participates. However, since the government cannot be in charge of all matters relating to green growth, it has to consult policies with local governments or the private sector. The monitoring function to improve efficiency and transparency during policy consultation and project implementation should be strengthened as well. To achieve green growth, the role of private companies is important than any other matters. It is also necessary to study ways to build a cooperative system between the government and the private sector based on this understanding.

    Researchers: Tae-Jin Kwon, Young-Hoon Kim and Min-Jee Nam
    E-mail address: kwontj@krei.re.kr

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