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  • 농업부문 전망모형 KREI-ASMO 2007 보완 및 운용에 관한 연구
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    김명환 , 권오복; 이대섭; 김태훈; 조영수

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서 론
      제2장 KREI-ASMO 2007 개요
      제3장 부문별 개편내용
      부록1. KREI-ASMO 2007 모형 구조
      부록2. KREI-ASMO 도입변수 설명
      참고 문헌


    KREI-ASMO (Korea Rural Economic Institute - Agricultural Simulation Model) was developed by the KREI in 1995, and has been used to produce mid- and long-term outlook as well as to analyze policy alternatives for the Korean agricultural sector. The model is a partial equilibrium simulation model.
    KREI-ASMO is divided into five sub-models; ① a sub-model for forecasting macro-economic variables, ② an agricultural input sub-model, ③ a crop sub-model, ④ a livestock sub-model, and ⑤ an agricultural macro variable sub-model. The statistical data base has been renewed every year and the structure of the model has been upgraded every three or four years.
    Several improvements of the KREI-ASMO 2007 are; ① acreage share equations among several crop groups are replaced by acreage response equations of individual crops, ② import demand functions of major commodities for major countries are estimated, ③ recursive procedure is replaced by simultaneous equilibrium procedure to find out equilibrium prices, and ④ some policy variables representing government payments are considered in farm income equation of the agricultural macro variable sub-model, as well as in the acreage response equations of the crop sub-model.

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    김명환 (Kim, Myunghwan)
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