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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Plan to Develop Information Support System for Advancement of Agricultural and Rural Policies(Year 4 of 10)

2022.03.28 38542
  • Author
    Kim, Hyunjoong
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background and Purpose
○ Along with the use of computerized systems to manage agricultural subsidies, irregularities and overlapping payments have been removed remarkably. However, there are still many problems for financial supports, such as poor after-payment management, overlapping payments, lack of connections between data transaction systems. Against this backdrop, this study examines agricultural subsidy programs and data system platforms to identify improvement tasks, and prepare ways to build information systems for efficient subsidy operation.

Research Methodology
○ We used the following methods to achieve our goals. First, we checked data on websites of government agencies and commissioned external experts to write manuscripts. Based on such information, we analyzed subsidy types, sizes, and implementation systems, the status of subsidy programs, necessary information for each stage of them, actual cases in South Jeolla Province, and on-site inspections to identify programs in each stage of implementation. Second, we used interviews for system developers and operators, literature review, and internet inspection to examine data systems for subsidy management and the social welfare network called Happiness e-Um. Third, we used surveys for farmers and officials in local governments. We requested Kantar Korea, a specialized research agency, to survey local officials online or by fax. Regarding farmer surveys, we interviewed 2,721 KREI field correspondents and reporters by email or phone. Fourth, we requested external experts to write manuscripts on subsidy cases in Japan and the U.S. to identify implications. Fifth, we commissioned research to Abc Lab, an institute for agricultural data, to prepare ways to set up information platforms for efficient subsidy operation.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

The Roles of Rural Women and Gender Inequality in Local Communities
Korea’s Agricultural ODA Projects for Social Capital Expansion in Developing Countries: Ways to Improve Based on Findings in Vietnam