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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Agricultural Structure of Japan: Changes and Prospects

2004.03.01 25389
  • Author
    Heo, Joonyung
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This library is to provide basic informations for changes and prospects agricultural Structure of Japan. For this purpose, we are to enlighten changes and prospects with regard to the agricultural production, consumption and trade by analysing agricultural structure.
Japan have an agricultural characteristic of land saving small-scale farming. Some eminent causes of changes in agricultural production and trade are identified to be the changes in prices of factors and of products as well as the changes in consumptions. Japan has somewhat abnormal structure in which increases in consumption of some items promote imports rather than increasing domestic production of the items.

Solutions to the agricultural·rural problems in the era of openness
China's WTO entry and agricultural cooperation between Korea and China