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    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 목차

    • International Seminar on Integration of Agricultural and
      Environmental Policies in an Environmental
      Seminar Schedule

      Monday, August 20, 2001

      Arrival of Overseas Participants
      Stay at the Hotel Academyhouse, Seoul

      Tuesday, August 21, 2001

      Opening Session
      09:30-10:00 Registration
      10:00-10:40 Opening Ceremony
      Opening address: Dr. Torng-Chuang Wu, Director, FFTC
      Welcome address: Dr. Jung-Il Kang, President, KREI
      Introduction of Participants and Guests
      Group Photograph
      10:40-11:00 Tea/Coffee break
      Session I Moderator : Dr. Philip Lowe
      11:00-11:30 Harmonizing Agricultural and Environmental Policies
      (Dr. Erik Lichtnberg, University of Maryland, USA)
      Environmental Enhancement Strategies and Policy Linkages
      (Dr. Ryohei Kada, Policy Research Institute, MAFF, Japan)
      12:00-12:10 Discussion
      (Dr. Song-Soo Lim, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea
      12:10-13:30 Lunch
      Session II Moderator: Dr. Chong-Hyuk Suh
      13:30-14:00 Sociological Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture and Its Practice - The Korean Case
      (Dr. Jang Heo, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      14:00-14:30 Sustaining Productivity of Upland Agriculture in the Philippines :
      Experiences, Policy Linkages, Impacts and Lessons Learned
      (Dr. Rogelio C. Serrano, PCARRD, Philippines)
      14:30-15:00 Importance of Integration in Sustainable Farming System
      (Dr. Kusuma Diwyanto, CRIAS, Indonesia)
      15:00-15:20 Discussion
      (Dr. Kie-Yeop Shin, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Korea)
      15:20-15:40 Tea/Coffee Break
      Session III Moderator: Dr. Rogelio C. Serrano
      15:40-16:10 Farmers' Attitude toward Design of Agricultural Sustainability Production
      Scheme under Trade Liberalization: The Case of Taiwan
      (Dr. Pei-Ing Wu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan ROC)
      16:10-16:40 Accessing the Relationship between Trade and the Environment
      (Dr. Song-Soo Lim, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      16:40-16:50 Discussion
      (Dr. Se-Kyun Choi, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      18:00- Dinner at KREI Dining Room (Hosted by Dr. Jung-Il Kang, President of

      Wednesday, August 22, 2001

      Session IV Moderator: Dr. Ryohei Kada

      09:00-09:30 A Review of European Experience of Integrating Environmental Objectives
      into Agricultural Policy and Practice
      ( Dr. Philip Lowe, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
      09:30-10:00 Policy Development for Integrating Agriculture and Environment
      ( Dr. Chang-Gil Kim, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      10:00-10:10 Discussion
      (Mr. Sang-Jae Lee, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Korea)
      10:10-10:30 Tea/Coffee Break
      Session V Moderator: Dr. Se-Ik Oh
      10:30-11:00 Issues, Constraints and Directions for Developing Sustainable Farming System
      in the Less-Favored Areas
      (Dr. Jin-Chae Yoo, Chungbuk National University, Korea)
      11:00-11:30 Agricultural Policies and Sustainable Development
      (Mr. Tenku Mohd Ariff bin Tengku Ahmad, MARDI, Malaysia)
      11:30-12:00 Strategy of Environmental and Nature Conservation in Taiwan
      (Mr. San-Wei Lee, CSPRS, Taipei Taiwan)
      12:00-12:20 Discussion
      (Dr. Gyu-Cheon Lee, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      12:20-14:00 Lunch
      Session VI Moderator: Dr. Pei-Ing Wu

      14:00-14:30 Sustainable Farming Practices in the Area of Paldang Tap Water Source
      (Dr. Kie-Yup Shin, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Korea)
      14:30-15:00 Prospective and Feasibility of Sustainable Agricultural Systems for Small
      Scale Farmers in Thailand
      (Dr. Thanwa Jitsanguan, Kasetsart University, Thailand)
      15:00-15:30 Designing an Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural System: Case Studies of
      Three Areas in Japan
      (Mr. Takahiko Tagami, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Japan)
      15:30-15:50 Discussion
      (Dr. Jang Heo, Korean Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
      15:50-16:10 Tea/Coffee Break
      Session VII Moderator: Dr. Erik Lichtenberg

      16:10-16:50 General Discussion
      16:50-17:00 Conclusion
      17:00-17:20 Introduction of KREI
      17:20-17:40 Introduction of FFTC
      18:00 Dinner at Hotel Academyhouse (Hosted by Dr. Torng-Chuang Wu,
      Director, FFTC)

      Thursday, August 23, 2001 (1st day of Field Trip)

      Field Tour
      08:30-10:30 Leave for Yonam College of Agriculture in Chonan City
      10:30-12:30 Visit the Experiment Farm Fields of the College
      12:30-14:00 Lunch
      14:00-16:00 Visit Environmentally-Friendly Farms Using Livestock Manure in Pyungtaik City
      (Organic Rice Farms, Organic Vegetable Farms with Plastic Houses, Demonstration of Liquid Manure Spreading)
      16:00-18:00 Return to the Hotel

      Friday, August 24, 2001 (2nd day of Field Trip)

      Field Tour
      08:30-10:00 Leave for Organic Farming Area in Paldang Tap Water Source
      10:00-12:00 Visit Yangpyong County Office and Organic Farms
      12:00-13:30 Lunch
      13:30-17:00 Visit Korean Folk Village (open-air folk museum)
      17:00-19:00 Return to the Hotel
      19:00- Farewell Dinner (Hosted by KREI)

      Saturday August 25, 2001 Departure of Overseas Participants

      Age List of Speakers
      Dr. Kusuma DIWYANTO
      Central Research Institute for Animal Science (CRIAS)
      Jl Raya Pajajaran Kav E-59 Bogor 16151, Indonesia
      Tel: +62-251-322-185
      Fax: +62-251-328-382
      E-mail: criansci@indo.net.id
      Dr. Ryohei KADA
      Senior Policy Research Coordinator
      Policy Research Institute
      Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
      Kita-Ku, Nishigahara 2-2-1, Tokyo, 114-0024 Japan
      Tel: +81-33-910-3972
      Fax: +81-33-940-0232
      E-mail: ryokada@primafs.assrc.go.jp
      Mr. Takahiko TAGAMI
      Environmental Research, CREST
      Japan Science and Technology Corporation
      26-1, Nishigahara 1, Kita Tokyo, 114-0024, Japan
      Tel: +81-35-961-7447
      Fax: +81-35-961-7448
      E-mail: aab81200@pop13.odn.ne.jp
      Dr. Chang-Gil KIM
      Korean Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul, 130-710, Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4265
      Fax: +82-2-959-6110
      E-mail: changgil@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Jang HEO
      Korean Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul, 130-710, Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4357
      Fax: +82-2-959-6950
      E-mail: heojang@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Song-Soo LIM
      Korean Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul, 130-710, Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4382
      Fax: +82-2-959-6950
      E-mail: songsoo@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Kie-Yup SHIN
      Senior Economist
      Research Department National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF)
      75, 1-Ka, Chungjeong-Ro, Jung-Ku, Seoul 100-707, Korea
      Tel: +82-2-397-7057
      Fax: +82-2-397-7070
      E-mail: kyshin@nuri.net
      Dr. Jin-Chae YOO
      Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics
      College of Agriculture
      Chungbuk National University
      Chongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Korea
      Tel: +82-43-261-2591
      Fax: +82-43-271-5920
      E-mail: jcyoo@cbucc.chungbuk.ac.kr
      Mr. Tenku Mohd Ariff bin TENGKU AHMD
      Senior Agricultural Economist/ Assistant Director,
      Economic and Technology Management Research Center
      Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)
      P.O.Box 12301, General Post Office, 50774 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
      Tel: +60-38-943-7187
      Fax: +60-38-948-6799
      E-mail: tmariff@mardi.my
      Dr. Rogelio C. SERRANO
      Acting Director, Forestry and Environment Research Division
      Philippine Council for Agriculture
      Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD)
      LosBanos, Laguna 4030, Philippines
      Tel: +63-49-536-0020
      Fax: +63-49-536-0016
      E-mail: rogeleppie@yahoo.com
      Dr. Pei-Ing WU
      Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics
      National Taiwan University
      No. 1 Sec.1 Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROC
      Tel: +886-2-2363-0231ext.3084
      Fax: +886-2-2362-8496
      E-mail: piwu@ccms.ntu.edu.tw
      Mr. San-Wei LEE
      Former Deputy Director General
      Forestry Department, Council of Agriculture (COA)
      Fl. 3,.No. 113, Sec 5 Luo-Si-Fu Rd, Taipei, Taiwan ROC
      Tel: +886-2-8931-9655
      Fax: +886-2-2931-7225
      E-mail: swlee@csprs.org.tw
      Dr. Thanwa JITSANGUAN
      Head, Department of Agricultural and Resource Faculty of Economics
      Kasetsart University
      Bangkok 10900, Thailand
      Tel: +66-2-561-3467
      Fax: +66-2-942-8047
      Dr. Philip LOWE
      Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing Director
      Centre for Rural Economy
      University of Newcastle upon Tyne
      Newcastle, NEI 7RU UK
      Tel: +44-19-1222-6887
      Fax: +44-19-1222-6720
      E-mail: cre@newcastle.ac.uk
      Professor, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics
      University of Maryland
      2200 Symons Hall, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742- 5535
      Tel: +1-30-1405-1279
      Fax: +1-30-1314-9042
      E-mail: erikl@arec.umd.edu
      List of Moderators and Discussants
      Dr. Chong-Hyuk SUH
      Research Director
      Department of Rural Development
      Korea Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-dong Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-710 Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4171
      E-mail: chysuh@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Se-Ik OH
      Office of Planning and Coordination
      Korea Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-dong Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-710 Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4281
      E-mail: seikoh@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Sei-Kyun CHOI
      Senior Fellow
      Division of Foreign Agricultural and International Trade
      Korea Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-dong Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-710 Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4246
      E-mail: skchoi@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Gyu-Cheon Lee
      Agricultural Outlook Center
      Korea Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-dong Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-710 Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4350
      E-mail: jksuh@krei.re.kr
      Mr. Sang-Jae LEE
      Deputy Director
      Bilateral Cooperation Division
      Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Republic of Korea
      Tel: +82-2-503-7296
      E-mail: leesj@maf.go.kr
      KREI Secretariat
      Dr. Se-Ik OH, Director
      E-mail: seikoh@krei.re.kr
      Dr. Chang-Gil KIM, Fellow
      E-mail: changgil@krei.re.kr
      Mr. Ik-Soo CHUN, Researcher
      E-mail: iksuinje@krei.re.kr
      Office of Planning and Coordination
      Korea Rural Economic Institute
      4-102 Hoegi-dong Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-710 Korea
      Tel: +82-2-3299-4265, 4255 (HP: +82-2-017-765-4452)
      Fax: +82-2-959-6110
      Website: http://www.krei.re.kr
      FFTC Staff
      Dr. Torng-Chuang WU, Director
      E-mail : dict@fftc.agnet.org
      Dr. Chan-Ik CHUN, Agricultural Economist
      E-mail : chun2362@ms67.hinet.net
      Dr. Jan BAY-PETERSEN, Information Officer
      E-mail : info@fftc.agnet.org
      5F,14, Wenchow St., TAPEI 106, TAIWAN ROC
      Tel: (+886)2-2362-6239
      Fax: (+886)2-2362-0478
      Website: http://www.fftc.agnet.org


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