바로가기 목록


공지사항 상세보기 - 카테고리, 제목, 원문, 내용, 게시일, 작성자 정보 제공
International Seminar on Integration Agricultural Environmental Policies in an Environmental Age
카테고리 공지사항

1. Date : August 20 ∼ 25, 2001(6 days)

2. Venue : Conference Room of Korea Rural Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea

3. Sponsors : Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI),
                    Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific
                    Region (FFTC/ASPAC)

4. Rationale

While Asian agricultural growth has made important contribution to human life, it has also led to serious environmental problems. If these problems are not given due attention now, they are likely to become worse.

Resource degradation in agricultural systems soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, water depletion undermines the long-term sustainability of agriculture. This is a particularly serious problem because growth in the yields of major crops has slowed in recent years, and further increases will be needed in the future at least a doubling in output by 2025 to meet growing population and rising living standards.

The use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture poses significant threats to both human and ecological health in Asia. Growth in agricultural output threatens to exacerbate these problems, if efforts are not made to rationalize the use of agricultural chemicals.

Agriculture has also led to the regions environmental problems. Solving these problems will require a concrete effort to make agriculture more environmentally sustainable. It is urgently needed to promote environmentally sound agricultural policies.

To mitigate the harmful environmental impacts of agriculture and to make agriculture more sustainable, governments and farmers need to pursue policies to: a) limit the expansion of the new cropland into biologically rich natural habitats; and b) intensify production on current croplands in ways that help to conserve soil, water, and on-farm biodiversity and to limit the use of hazardous pesticides and fertilizers. The seminar hopes to tackle these issues.

5. Tentative Topics
  a. Importance of Integration in Sustainable Farming Systems
  b. Economic and Ecological Impacts of Sustainable Agriculture
  c. Environmental Enhancement Strategies and Policy Linkages
  d. Sociological Aspects of Agricultural Sustainability
  e. Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Environment
  f. Roles of Small Scale Farmer in Expanding Sustainable Agriculture

6. Participating Countries : 9
Indonesia (1), Japan (2), Korea (4), Malaysia (1), Philippines (1), Thailand (1), Taiwan ROC (2), Europe (1), USA (1); (10 foreign and 5 local speakers)

7. Agenda
  ·Aug. 20 (Mon.) Arrival of overseas participants
  ·Aug. 21 (Tue.) Registration, opening ceremony, paper presentation
  ·Aug. 22 (Wed.) Paper presentation and closing ceremony
  ·Aug. 23 (Thu.) Field trip
  ·Aug. 24 (Fri.) Field trip
  ·Aug. 25 (Sat.) Departure of overseas participants

작성자 관리자
