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  • 식품산업의 푸드테크 적용 실태와 과제 : 대체축산식품과 3D 식품 프린팅을 중심으로
						    식품산업의 푸드테크 적용 실태와 과제 : 대체축산식품과 3D 식품 프린팅을 중심으로

    박미성 , 이용선; 김경필; 박시현; 한정훈

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 제4차 산업혁명 시대를 맞이하여 지속가능성을 지닌 미래 먹거리에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 글로벌 시장조사 전문기관인 이노바마켓 인사이트(Innova Market Insight)는 2019년 세계 식품산업 트렌드로 지속가능성 및 건강을 고려한 식물기반 제품 관련 시장이 성장할 것으로 예상하였고, 세계 식품시장에서 혁신기술이 적용된 푸드테크 적용 제품 및 식물기반 대체식품 출시가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다.

    이 연구는 푸드테크와 적용 식품의 국내외 시장 확대 가능성은 물론 지속가능성 등의 공공성 확보 차원의 중요성에...

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서론
      제2장 식품선택 여건 변화와 푸드테크 의의
      제3장 해외 주요국의 푸드테크 적용 실태와 시사점
      제4장 국내의 푸드테크 적용 실태와 당면과제
      제5장 국내 소비자의 대체축산식품 인식과 수용성
      제6장 국내 식품산업의 푸드테크 적용 확대를 위한 과제
      제7장 요약 및 결론


    제4차 산업혁명 시대를 맞이하여 지속가능성을 지닌 미래 먹거리에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 글로벌 시장조사 전문기관인 이노바마켓 인사이트(Innova Market Insight)는 2019년 세계 식품산업 트렌드로 지속가능성 및 건강을 고려한 식물기반 제품 관련 시장이 성장할 것으로 예상하였고, 세계 식품시장에서 혁신기술이 적용된 푸드테크 적용 제품 및 식물기반 대체식품 출시가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다.

    이 연구는 푸드테크와 적용 식품의 국내외 시장 확대 가능성은 물론 지속가능성 등의 공공성 확보 차원의 중요성에 착안하여 푸드테크의 의의, 국내외 푸드테크 적용실태, 국내 소비자의 인식 및 수용성 등에 대해 분석하고 푸드테크 적용 관련 대응과제를 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하였다.

    Research Background
    Food technology uses biotechnology and ICT convergence to extract protein from plants or cultivate animal tissues. Advanced countries have invested in this new technology for food development since the mid-2010s. And now, with the formation of new markets, changes in the food industry are expected. Recently, in Korea, attention to food technology has expanded among the food industry, academia, government, media, and consumers. It is deemed to be essential to examine whether the market for such new foods can be expanded or sustained. Against this backdrop, this study analyzed the significance of food technology, state of its application in Korea and internationally, and how Korean consumers understand or accept food technology. Also, this study targeted to propose tasks for the use of food technology.

    Research Methodology
    The study focused on food manufacturing and processing fields. Specifically, its research subjects included alternative materials/ foods which hold high growth potential in Korean and global markets and can be related to agriculture. For this research, we examined literature and statistical data and web content in Korea and other countries to understand the food technology market size and the state of its use. We carried out in-depth interviews in five domestic food technology firms. Also, we conducted a survey targeting 40 experts from food manufacturing firms (labs) and 3D printing firms and 1,000 consumers. By using the contingent valuation method (CVM) and the logit model, we analyzed how much consumers are willing to pay for alternative livestock products (vegetable meat, pet food, cultured meat). Experiment auctions were conducted targeting 119 consumers. Also, we studied how much consumers are willing to pay for alternative livestock products based on three-stage information (taste, nutrition, environment), looked at matters to be improved.

    The global alternative food market, mainly for plant-based alternatives, accounted for 9,623,1 million dollars as of 2018. It is expected to grow by 9.5% per year until 2025 to reach 17,858.6 million dollars. The global 3D food printing market took 52.2 million dollars as of 2017. It is likely to expand by 46.1% per year until 2023 to reach 525.6 million dollars. 3D printing is used for processed foods such as chocolate, pizza, and pasta. It is also applied for space foods and foods customized for the elderly.
    Takeaways from the research on the state of food technology used in advanced countries are as follows:
    First, there should be shared awareness for the public roles of alternative foods (environmental preservation and resource/ energy saving) for the government’s policy support and expansion in new markets, as in the case of Japan and Europe (notably, the Netherlands). Second, it is essential to create an ecosystem for interdisciplinary research among various fields for this new technology-based industry. Third, the private sector takes the central role in the ecosystem, but the government also plays an essential part in Japan and the Netherlands. Fourth, it is required to review and upgrade regulations (safety management, labeling, etc.) for new food products and 3D printing.
    Domestic alternatives are developed through simple mixture by using overseas source materials and technology. However, food technology start-ups have recently started to create source materials and products relating to vegetable meat or eggs. The challenges food makers face for commercializing alternative foods are as follows: difficulty in developing/ securing technologies (26.5%), access to market information (20.6%), lack of consumers‘ understanding in alternatives (14.7%), insufficient workforce with expertise (11.8%), and related regulations and standards (11.8%).
    The level of domestic 3D food printing technology is making simple shapes/ products by using a single subject material. The challenges 3D food printing firms or experts in the field are facing in the implementation of research and business are as follows: market uncertainty and narrow domestic market (35%) and insufficient financing for labor/ R&D expenses (20%).
    The food technology industry faces five issues as the following: 1) Insufficient corporate capabilities in terms of technology, funds, and human resources, 2) Lack of related systems, 3) Insufficient market information and consumers’ understanding, 4) Conflicts with conventional industries, 5) Lack of industrial ecosystem.
    Consumers‘ understanding or interest (preference) in alternative foods turned out to be higher than average. When it comes to vegetarians, lacto-ovo-vegetarians showed higher understanding or interest than strict vegetarians. Factors that influence inclinations to buy alternatives include a positive attitude toward new food types, interest in health, concern for the environment and resources, and awareness for ethical consumption and animal welfare. To raise consumers‘ preference for alternative livestock products, endeavors to make them taste similar to traditional livestock products are required. It was assessed that consumers‘ intention to pay for alternatives is not high. However, as their intention to pay more for alternatives with high nutritional values and as well concern for environmental protection and animal welfare are on the increasing track, market prospects are likely to grow big.
    The food industry can achieve innovative growth based on related technologies. Also, it can increase its public roles, such as health promotion, resource energy use, reduction in environmental pollution, animal welfare, and ethical consumption. To expand the application of food technology in the food industry, Korea has to build an innovative industrial ecosystem for the development of new technologies and products and their commercialization. It also has to upgrade related regulations and mitigate possible conflicts. To promote the food technology industry, the government should set up plans for the tasks as follows:

    (The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)

    Researchers: Park Misung, Lee Yongsun, Kim Kyungphil, Park Sihyun, Han Junghoon
    Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
    E-mail address: mspark@krei.re.kr

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    박미성 이미지

    박미성 (Park, Misung)
    - 연구위원
    - 소속 : 식품경제연구실
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