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  • Development of the Agricultural Research and Extension System of Korea and Its Implications for Eurasian Countries
						    Development of the Agricultural Research and Extension System of Korea and  Its Implications for Eurasian Countries

    허장 , 최정만

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • South Korea, which suffered from severe hunger and poverty after the Korean War (1950~1953), has achieved self-sufficiency in supply of rice, a staple crop, since the early 1970s with the success of research and development, and extension services in the agricultural sector. The country has unique c...

  • 목차

    • Chapter 1 Introduction
      Chapter 2 R&D and Extension System of Korean Agricultural Technology
      Chapter 3 Changes of Korean Agriculture and R&D and Extension System
      Chapter 4 Current Agricultural R&D and Extension System and Nutritional Status of Eurasian Countries
      Chapter 5 Challenges and Implications


    South Korea, which suffered from severe hunger and poverty after the Korean War (1950~1953), has achieved self-sufficiency in supply of rice, a staple crop, since the early 1970s with the success of research and development, and extension services in the agricultural sector. The country has unique characteristics in its Agricultural Extension Services (AES), currently organized as the Rural Development Administration (RDA), compared to other countries and they have brought about significant success in improving agricultural productivity and efficiently providing developed technologies to farmers. This study has been performed to study AES in Eurasian countries as well as the development of the agricultural extension system of Korea in order to share the successful factors that enabled South Korea to accomplish such success in the agricultural R&D and technology distribution.

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    허장 (Heo, Jang)
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