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  • 제13회 동북아농정연구포럼 FANEA 자료집
						    제13회 동북아농정연구포럼 FANEA 자료집

    KREI , 마상진; CHEN Yangfen; Mayumi SATO; 안석; XIA Ying; Yukisato YOSHIDA

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 목차

    • Presentations
      Session 1: Improving Workforces for Strengthening Agricultural and Rural
      1. Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer
      2. Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries
      3. Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan

      Session 2: Rural Welfare
      4. Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community
      5. An Analysis of China’s Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas
      6. Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services

      Symposium Papers
      Session 1: Improving Workforces for Strengthening Agricultural and Rural
      1. Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer
      2. Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries
      3. Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan

      Session 2: Rural Welfare
      4. Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community
      5. An Analysis of China’s Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas
      6. Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services


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