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  • 성공적인 협동조합의 리더십에 관한 연구 : 일선 농협을 중심으로
  • 보고서 이미지 없음


    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 이 연구는 성공적인 사업혁신과 적극적인 조합 활동으로 조합 발전에 기여한 현장 농협 리더와 그 리더십에 관한 것이다. 농협의 공과에 대한 여러 가지 견해에도 불구하고 헌신적인 농협 리더들이 있었기에 농협이 오늘의 위상을 차지할 수 있었음을 부정할 수 없다. 성공적인 협동조합 리더십을 논구하는 것은 헌신적인 리더들의 정신에서 오늘을 풀어가는 지혜를 배우고자 함이다. 이론이나 정책대안을 강구하기보다는 농협 리더들의 활동을 사실 그대로 기록하고, 그 가운데서 의미 있는 리더십 덕목을 찾는 데 초점을 맞추었다.

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서론
      제2장 농협 리더십과 성공조합 탐색
      제3장 일선 농협의 혁신 사례와 리더
      제4장 농협 리더의 덕목과 시사점


    이 연구는 성공적인 사업혁신과 적극적인 조합 활동으로 조합 발전에 기여한 현장 농협 리더와 그 리더십에 관한 것이다. 농협의 공과에 대한 여러 가지 견해에도 불구하고 헌신적인 농협 리더들이 있었기에 농협이 오늘의 위상을 차지할 수 있었음을 부정할 수 없다. 성공적인 협동조합 리더십을 논구하는 것은 헌신적인 리더들의 정신에서 오늘을 풀어가는 지혜를 배우고자 함이다. 이론이나 정책대안을 강구하기보다는 농협 리더들의 활동을 사실 그대로 기록하고, 그 가운데서 의미 있는 리더십 덕목을 찾는 데 초점을 맞추었다.

    Most cooperatives with successful innovations usually have great leaders. Many cooperative leaders have devoted to develop their cooperatives in their home counties since the launch of agricultural cooperative in 1958.
    This report was planned to search the stories of agricultural cooperative leaders who had led successfully their cooperatives, and to find the suggestions for practical leadership of following leaders. In addition, this report was purposed to record the performance and contributions of the leaders, so that it is expected that this study would be used as a basic report of agricultural cooperative studies.
    Eleven agricultural cooperative leaders who are, or were the presidents of primary cooperatives, were selected as the sample. They are classified by 4 types according to their economical and regional characteristics: the leader model of small cooperative in a remote area, of take-off stage of primary cooperative, of commodity specialized cooperatives, and of urban agricultural cooperative.
    The leaders of agricultural cooperatives have shown credibility, creativity, consistent policy, and communication as the virtues of leaders. To get credibility from cooperative personnel and members, the leaders should conduct respectable behavior, take the initiative and set an example, show sincerity, honesty. Especially, all leaders emphasized the importance of incorruption as a key virtue of respectability. In addition, understanding his/her job and the drive are also important factors to get credibility.
    Leaders' creativity substantially worked to solve the problems of cooperatives at risk of bankrupt. Some leaders saved the cooperatives by creative idea of business and its strong drive. Success in business is regarded as the most important factor to receive much recognition, because the cooperative is an entrepreneur. All leaders of the sample took consecutive terms of their offices in the long run, which affected them to bring about the successes.
    Communication was a top priority of leader's virtue the leaders emphasized, but the method was not so effective as much as they stressed. Most leaders stressed the importance of communication with cooperative members but that with their staff.
    Peter. Drucker emphasized that virtues are important to be a good leader rather than his/ her talent or ability, and suggested eight virtues to be conducted. Most virtues of Drucker were consistent with those of agricutural cooperative leaders. However some are mentioned by all leaders, while some are not. The virtues commonly emphasized by Drucker and all Korean agricultural cooperative leaders are that a leader knows what to do for his cooperative, works along the planned schedule, readily take responsibility, and to construct effective communication channels. The other virtues, not missing chances, constructing productive meeting system, and saying 'we' always, were also most leaders recognized. However, there is a subtle distintion between the leaders and Drucker with respect to what is the first one for cooperative. The cooperative leaders of Korea consider it members, but Drucker stressed the entrepreneur itself. This difference will be no matter in the long run, because two thoughts must be equivalent in cooperative regime.
    This study suggests five. First, the agricultural cooperatives should establish its leadership that leads and guides its members where to go and what to do. Second, it needs to find out success cases of cooperative leadership that are usually recognized as a shortcomings of Agricultural Cooperatives in Korea. Furthermore, the Agricultural Cooperatives should make efforts for members and staffs understand and recognize the importance of cooperative leadership. Third, we should think of cooperative leadership as separate a leader's leadership. Even a successful leader may not guarantee carrying out successful cooperative leadership, because he/ she may concerns individual achievement rather than his/ her cooperative. Fourth, the Agricultural Cooperatives should prepare the institutional system to educate and train leaders. Five, the innovations within cooperative operation should be internalized and systemized. We remind that many successful innovations during the growth of agricultural cooperatives have been disappeared as the leaders to lead innovations retired, and should not repeat those mistakes again.

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