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  • 쇠고기·돼지고기 물가안정을 위한 유통체계 개선 방안
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    허덕 , 우병준; 김원태

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 축산물가격의 불안정은 가축질병 발생 등으로 인한 수급 변화뿐만 아니라 불합리한 유통구조도 그 원인으로 자주 거론되고 있다. 축산물 가격안정을 위해 정부에서 여러 차례 수급 및 유통구조 개선 대책을 발표하였으나 정책의 효과에 대한 평가는 제대로 이루어지지 못하였다. 다양한 정부대책에도 불구하고 축산물 가격 불안정성이 반복되는 이유 중 하나로 축산물 수급 및 유통구조에 대한 정보 부족이 지적되고 있다.
    이 연구는 물가안정을 위해 쇠고기와 돼지고기의 유통 관련 정책사업들을 검토하고 개선방안을 제시하고 있다.

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서론
      제2장 국내 축산물 유통 관련 제도 검토
      제3장 외국의 축산물 유통 관련 제도 및 시사점
      제4장 유통체계 개선 방향과 주요 방안
      제5장 결론 및 요약


    축산물가격의 불안정은 가축질병 발생 등으로 인한 수급 변화뿐만 아니라 불합리한 유통구조도 그 원인으로 자주 거론되고 있다. 축산물 가격안정을 위해 정부에서 여러 차례 수급 및 유통구조 개선 대책을 발표하였으나 정책의 효과에 대한 평가는 제대로 이루어지지 못하였다. 다양한 정부대책에도 불구하고 축산물 가격 불안정성이 반복되는 이유 중 하나로 축산물 수급 및 유통구조에 대한 정보 부족이 지적되고 있다.
    이 연구는 물가안정을 위해 쇠고기와 돼지고기의 유통 관련 정책사업들을 검토하고 개선방안을 제시하고 있다.

    This research analyzes direct and indirect effects on the consumer price from livestock and meat related policies, and seeks effective policy options. To meet this end, the research conducted expert survey to rank relative importance of policies which aim to reduce meat price volatility and price markdown. The survey result shows that integration by cooperative was mostly selected policy option for all objectives. Organizing producers and scale improvement was the second best choice from the survey. In a goal of reducing price volatility, integration by private enterprise, modernizing farm facilities, activating cut-meat distribution were selected as the best policy options. In a goal of price markdown, expanding direct dealing, encouraging vertical and horizontal integration, activating cut-meat distribution were selected as the best policy options.

    This research performed another expert survey to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, enforceability, and acceptability of policy options for reducing meat price volatility and improving marketing system. Integration by cooperative was mostly selected in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Meat traceability was selected as a best policy option for government’s enforceability. Modernizing farm facilities with developing technologies for improving productivity was the best suit for the farm acceptability. It is interesting that integration by cooperative policy also received high rank in enforceability and acceptability categorizes.

    From the survey results, this study found that it is necessary to integrate marketing stages to facilitate stakeholders’ prompt decision making in a situation of current complex meat marketing system with many business participants. To do so, several policy directions are recommended such as, 1) improving productivity and marketing power of producers by integrating, 2) achieving market efficiency and economy of scales by merging slaughter, deboning and processing, shipping stages. 3) securing consumers and improving customer satisfaction.

    To improve beef and pork domestic marketing system, this study suggests several policy options for each different marketing stage. In the production stage, policies such as 1) integration and local brands has to be linked to coordinate producers. 2) Solving animal feed price instability to mitigate input price pressure. Also it is important to adopt flexible “calf production stabilization policy” for a future. 3) Farm modernizing and production technology improvement is urged to reduce seasonal effect of meat and livestock prices. In the wholesale stage, it is necessary to 1) facilitate regional lodgment slaughtering and processing center for effective boxed meat distribution. 2) Revitalize the pork futures market and expand to beef industry. In the retail stage, several approaches are needed as below. 1) Markdown favored meat part price by encouraging low-fat meat consumption, 2) introducing government certified high-quality meat distribution channel, 3) developing various meat direct dealing systems, 4) enforcing meat quality certification labeling policy to restaurant.

    Researchers: Huh, Duk; Woo, Byung-Joon, Kim, Won-Tae
    E-mail address: huhduk@krei.re.kr

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    허덕 (Huh, Duk)
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