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  • 울주군 농업·농촌 종합 발전계획 연구
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    박문호 , 송주호; 박시현; 신은정; 한혜성; 장우환

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • The changing environments of world agriculture, such as an opening of agricultural market, Free Trade Agreements between countries, and policies focusing on multilateral functions of agriculture, affects greatly on the Korean agriculture and its policies. Especially, in Korea, local governments' inv...

  • 목차

    • 서 장 계획수립의 개요
      1. 연구배경과 필요성 1
      2. 연구목적 5
      3. 연구범위 5
      4. 주요 연구내용 및 연구방법 6
      5. 연구추진 일정 10
      제Ⅰ부 울주군 농업·농촌 발전계획의 기본 구상
      제1장 계획수립의 전제
      제1절 농업·농촌의 대내·외적인 여건 13
      제2절 우리나라 농업·농촌의 비전과 농정방향 19
      제3절 농업·농촌 종합대책 25
      제2장 울주군 농업·농촌의 현황과 잠재력
      제1절 울주군의 일반현황 31
      제2절 울주군 농업·농촌 현황 및 문제점 39
      제3절 울주군 농업·농촌의 역량분석 60
      제4절 주민 개발수요 66
      제3장 21세기 울주군 농업·농촌의 비전과 발전전략
      제1절 울주군 농업·농촌 SWOT 분석 72
      제2절 울주군 농업·농촌 비전과 발전전략 74
      제3절 2014년 울주 농업·농촌 발전지표 80
      제4절 읍·면별 발전전략 81
      제Ⅱ부 부문별 발전 전략
      제1장 RPC 중심의 쌀 생산·유통체계 구축
      제1절 쌀 산업 경쟁력 제고 방안 89
      제2절 고품질 쌀 생산모델 94
      제2장 원예산업의 지역특화 추진방안
      제1절 원예산업의 지역특화 방향 97
      제2절 지역특화 작목의 발전전략 107
      제3장 고품질 한우브랜드 개발과 친환경 축산업 육성
      제1절 울주군 축산의 향후 전망 112
      제2절 한우 브랜드 고급육 생산 115
      제3절 축산물 유통시설의 현대화 및 육가공업의 발전 지원 120
      제4절 지역 자연조건에 맞는 축산업의 육성 122
      제5절 조사료 생산·이용 확대로 축산물의 품질 고급화를 통해 경쟁력 강화 123
      제6절 친환경 축산업 육성(가축분뇨의 적법처리 및 자원화촉진) 124
      제4장 광역 친환경사업의 추진방안
      제1절 광역친환경단지 사업모형 개발방안 128
      제2절 광역 친환경사업의 추진 129
      제5장 APC 중심의 과실류 산지유통체계 구축과 수출증대 방안
      제1절 거점 APC를 통한 산지유통체계 확립 137
      제2절 울주군의 대규모 거점APC 추진방안 145
      제3절 생산자 직판장 설치 및 운영방안 153
      제4절 과실류 마케팅 촉진 및 수출증대 방안 158
      제6장 농촌관광 및 도·농 교류 확대
      제1절 개발의 기본 방향 161
      제2절 주요 추진 사업 162
      제7장 살고 싶은 쾌적한 울주 만들기
      제1절 여건의 변화 179
      제2절 농촌생활환경정비의 기본 방향 182
      제3절 읍면별 개발의 방향 185
      제4절 주요 추진사업 186
      제8장 지식기반사회의 정예 농업인력 육성방안
      제1절 지식 기반 농업인력 육성시스템 구축 205
      제2절 교육·훈련 추진체계 개선방안 207
      제9장 투·융자계획
      제1절 울주군 재정 및 투·융자 현황 210
      제2절 투·융자사업의 선정방향 211
      제3절 투·융자 사업의 선정내용 212
      참고문헌 220
      부 록1: 개발수요조사 분석 221
      부 록2: 회의자료 253


    The changing environments of world agriculture, such as an opening of agricultural market, Free Trade Agreements between countries, and policies focusing on multilateral functions of agriculture, affects greatly on the Korean agriculture and its policies. Especially, in Korea, local governments' investment and interest toward agriculture determines the quality of life in the rural community, competitiveness of each agricultural product, and income level of individual farm. Thus, adopting and implementing agricultural plans by the local autonomous entities are being important.
    The main purpose of this study is 1) to examine regional, environmental, and socio-economic characteristics of agriculture and rural communities in the entire Ulju-gun area, 2) to adopt comprehensive development plans for the agriculture and rural communities in the Ulju-gun by assessing strong and weak points, and potentials of the area.
    Consists of eight Myeons out of four towns, the Ulju-gun could be identified as a city and rural composite county and a suburb region around a metropolitan area. In particular, the Ulju-gun has a potential to promote a specialized premium rice brand with its existing eco-friendly rice production complex. However, the area needs to improve supplying superior rice breeds and rice processing systems.
    The region has specialized crops such as pears and sweet persimmons. Recently, the production of leeks, dropworts, and paprika has been increased in the reason, but the volume is still limited.
    Korean beef cattle product of the region is famous. For the reason, the region is trying to introduce a "Special Roasted Korean Beef Cattle Zone" in Bonggye and Eonyang area. However, increasing land prices makes it difficult to realize economy of scale and new entry in livestock industry.
    For the distribution of the agricultural products, the region is not performing well because most of its Agricultural Products processing Centers are small-scaled and dispersed. Furthermore, the level of consumers' recognition on its products is low because brand marketing strategies are not integrated but focus on individual brands.
    In the meantime, Ulju-gun is consists of rural communities, mountain, and fishing villages, and blessed with abundant wonderful natural landscapes like Alps of Youngnam and tourism resources. Nevertheless, only a handful of farm households are participating in tourism projects utilizing these rich resources. Living standards of rural communities are better than average of other counties'. In addition, the community is actively engaged in sisterhood relationships with adjacent businesses and has many employment opportunities other than agriculture.
    Given situations, Ulju-gun needs to construct a Green Park for the future development of agriculture and rural communities. The term Green stands for an establishing agricultural industry producing specialized quality eco-friendly products, while 'Park' refers to rest and living space offering safe foodstuffs with tourism attraction.
    In order to realize the vision of Green Park, 1) choice and concentration of specialized farming, 2) construction of local distribution infrastructure and integrating brands with quality goods, 3) creating pleasant living environment, and 4) establishment of mutually beneficial economic models between rural and urban areas which will spearhead changes are necessary.
    From the above mentioned strategies, the comprehensive development plans could be summarized as follows:
    1) Establishing rice production and distribution systems based on Rice Processing Complex (RPC). In detail, introducing eco-friendly and premium brand rice through establishment of processing and distribution infrastructures on Dubuk and Ungchon RPC.
    2) Setting up a production complex of specialized crops of the region including pear, sweet persimmon, and other growing products.
    3) Developing a premium Korean beef cattle brand with linkage to the "Special Roast Korean Beef Cattle Zone" in Bonggye and Eonyang area. Also, the area needs to promote eco-friendly livestock industry through naturally circular stock breeding.
    4) Introducing eco-friendly projects over very wide areas. To do so, it is recommended that Dudong area is suitable for a pilot project. With a result from the pilot project, the project could be conducted in overall Ulju-gun.
    5) Enhancing distribution system at places of production from an establishment of centralized and integrated APC in Ulju-gun to enable large scaled, standardized, and premium brands fruit farming. To this end, it is desirable to build a regional APC at Ungchon area as a crossroads between Busan and Onnyang area.
    6) Building and promoting an industrialization of Green Life by capitalizing the geographical advantage of Ulju-gun to increase farm visits and interactions between rural and urban areas. For example, creating an agricultural theme park and various weekend farms, developing candidate sites of Green Farming Experience Town and enhancing tourism resources in farming and fishing communities are recommended.
    7) Developing the region as a pleasant and convenient place of settlement not only for existing residents but also for city dwellers. To do so, a comprehensive town development project is necessary including an improvement of living, production, and natural condition.
    8) Establish education systems and enhancing the quality of education for the elite farmers to prepare a coming knowledge-based agricultural era.

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