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  • The abstract of KREI report 2004
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    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 목차

      1. 1. Implementation of the Advanced Food Safety System in Korea 3
      1. 2.Strategies for Establishing Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural System in Korea 5
      1. 3. A Case Study on Rural Agricultural Development Factors 8
      1- 4. Food Balance Sheet 9
      1. 5.A Study on the Introduction of Regional Maximum Load System of Livestock Numbers 10
      1. 6.A Study on Beef Consumption Changes in Korea after the outbreak of BSE in the U.S. 12
      1. 7. Estimating the GDP of the Korean Agribusiness Sector 14
      1. 8.Research on the Expansion Measure for the Medium- and Long-term Direct Payment System 15
      1. 9. Questionnaire Replies for OECD Agri-Environmental Indicators 18
      1.10. Food Self-sufficiency rate based on Minimum Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy 20
      1.11. A Research on Improving Food Labeling System in Korea: Focus on Fruits and Vegetables 21
      1.12. A Study on Rice Farm Income Stabilization 23
      1.13. Strategies for Agricultural Productivity Enhancement in North Korea by Mechanization 24
      1.14. Policy Directions and Issues of Targeting Food Self- Sufficiency Rate in Korea 25
      1.15. Impact of WTO/DDA Agreement on Korea's Ginseng Industry and Raising Its Competitiveness 26
      1.16. Study on Mid and Long-term Strategies for Expanding Korean Ginseng Exports 28
      1.17. Investigation and Analysis of the Status of Domestic and Imported of Salted-Foods 30
      1.18. A Study on Farmers' Disposal Status and Effective Mana- gement System for Equipped Agricultural Input Wastes 32
      1.19 An Analysis of Economic Values of Germ-free Minipig- based Bio Internal Organ Production 34
      1.20. 2004 Evaluation of Agricultural Training Organizations' Training Programs 36
      1.21. Agricultural and Rural Development Plans in Keochang County 37
      1.22. Market Investigation for the Improvement of Jeju Citrus Marketing 38
      1.23. Strategies for basic construction plans and management of the Ulsan Agricultural and Fishery Product Composite Marketing Center 39
      1.24. A study on the Reformation of the Gangseo Agricultural Products Wholesale Market 40
      1.25. A Design for Direct Payment Measures for Compensating Income Loss to Fruit Growers Caused by Agricultural Imports 41
      1.26. A Study on the Improvement of Transactions in Agricultural and Fishery Products Categories 42
      1.27. Rice Marketing Strategies of Agricultural Co-operatives In Response to Changes in the Grain Market Environment 43
      1.28. Improvement of the Korean Food Industrial Policies 47
      1.29. Study on Awareness and Needs of Consumers, Producers and Distributors Regarding Food Safety 49
      1.30. A Study on the Improvement of Transactions in Agricultural and Fishery Products Categories 51
      1.31. A Study on Strategic Marketing Training Plan In Response to Market Change 52
      1.32. Remodelling of the Guri Agricultural and Marine Products Wholesale Market 53
      1.33. Strategies for Facilitating Agricultural and Marine Products Wholesale Market Activities 54
      1.34. Evaluation of Soybean Procurement Program 55
      2.1-1 A Study on Bridging Income Gap between Urban and Rural Areas through the Balanced Regional Development Strategies: Analyzing the Reasons of the Gap 59
      2.1-2 A Study on the Urban-Rural Differences in Settlement Environments in Korea and Policy Implications 63
      2.1-3 Regional Comparison of Industrial Activities and Industrial Revitalization in Rural Area 65
      2. 2. Developing Social Capital Measuring Indicators 68
      2. 3. Forecasts on the Rural Population Size, Labor Forces in the Agricultural Sector, and Responding Policy Task 71
      2. 4. A Study on Protection Systems of Agriculture-Related Indigenous Resources 72
      2. 5. A Study on the Development of Local-Based Industry 74
      2. 6. A Study of the Impacts of Local Festivals on Revitalization of Rural Communities 76
      2. 7. Evaluation of Rural Village Development Programs and Suggestions for a Participatory Village Development Model 78
      2. 8. A Study on Economic Activities and Income of the Rural Elderly in Korea 80
      2. 9. Conflicts in the Korean Agricultural Sector and Their Management: Focusing on Two Recent Cases 82
      2.10. Policy Directions for Farmland Systems from the Perspective of Viewing Land as Public Property 85
      2.11. New National Land Design and Innovation Systems in Rural Areas 86
      2.12. A Study of Foreign Farmer Organizations on Their Participation in Agricultural Policy Making 87
      2.13. Measures to Monitor Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects 89
      2.14. Consolidation and Streamlining of Rural Development Programs and Projects 90
      2.15. Strategies to Develop the Traditional Technology-Based Korean Liquor Industry 92
      2.16. Agricultural and Rural Development Plan of the City of Milyang 95
      2.17. Agricultural and Rural Development Plans for Jangseong County 96
      2.18. A Study on the Assistance Scheme to Private Property Damage Caused by Natural Disasters 97
      2.19. A Study on the Improvement of Farmland Reparation Scheme 99
      2.20. Development of Sustainable Estuary Management Strategy in Korea (Agricultural Perspective) 101
      2.21. Policy Issues and Directions of Reorganizing the Agricultural Water Management Systems 104
      2.22. Master Plan for Building Tour Resort Towns in Rural and Mountainous Villages 106
      2.23. A Feasibility Study of Bio-agricultural Complex Construction 108
      2.24. A Research study on Gradual Expansion of Crop Insurance 110
      2.25. A Study on Basic Plan and Survey Methods of Rural Welfare & Education, and Regional Development 112
      2.26. A study on the Introduction of a Farmland Banking System in Korea 113
      3. 1. 2005 Agricultural Outlook 117
      3. 2. Quarterly Report on Agricultural and Rural Economy 118
      3. 3. Monthly Outlook for Fruit-bearing Vegetables 119
      3. 4. Monthly Outlook for Fruits 121
      3. 5. Monthly Outlook for Vegetables 122
      3. 6. Livestock Outlook 123
      3. 7. A Public Survey on Multifunctionality of Agriculture 124
      3. 8. The Situations and Prospects of Major Vegetables' Production and Marketing in Shandong, China 126
      3. 9. Sampling Design of Farm Households for an Agricultural Outlook 127
      3.10. PDA-based Improvement of Production Area Data Collection System 129
      3.11. A Study on Improvement of Agricultural Outlook Supporting Information System (Database) 130
      3.12. Fruit Vegetables Yield Function of Korea 132
      3.13. A Study on Designing and Constructing a Consumer Panel 133
      3.14. Improvement of the Vegetable Supply Stabilization Program in the Open Market 134
      3.15. Domestic Fruit Sector Development Scheme 135
      4. 1. Strategies for Agricultural Reform in North Korea and Inter-Korean Cooperation 139
      4. 2. Innovative Marketing Strategies in the Post-harvest Stage and the Adaptation of the Korean Agricultural Cooperatives 141
      4. 3. Establishment of Farm Income Compensation Programs and Farm Safety Net 143
      4. 4. Current Situation of Rice Industry and Prospect for Structural Change 145
      4. 5. Effects of the Chinese Economic Growth on Korean Agriculture and Strategies to Boost the Agricultural Export to China 147
      4. 6. World Agriculture Online Reports 149
      4. 7. KREI Quarterly Report on Agricultural Trends in North Korea 150
      4. 8. A Road Ahead: Korean Agriculture and WTO 152
      4. 9. A Study on Modelling and Management of the OECD World Agricultural Outlook Model, Aglink 2004 154
      4.10. A Study on Modelling and Management of the Korea Agricultural Outlook Model, KREI-ASMO 2004 155
      4.11. Inter-Korean Agricultural Cooperation in the Mt. Geumgang Tour Area -Case Study of the Bukgaeseong Vegetable Greenhouse Project 157
      4.12. Possibilities and Conditions of Business Farm 158
      4.13. Formation and Development of Regional Agricultural Cluster 159
      4.14. 2004 Annual Report of FANEA 161
      4.15. Measures to Promote the NACF's Feed Business 163
      4.16. Evaluating the Performance of Integrated Agricultural Policy Loan System 164
      4.17. Rice Import Handling In Preparation for WTO Rice Negotiations 166
      4.18. Strategies to Develop Co-Marketing Firms for Innovative Marketing in Agriculture 168
      4.19. Evaluation of Korea-Japan FTA Negotiations on the Agricultural Sector 170
      4.20. Korea-Japan FTA and Policy Implications in the Forestry Sector 172
      5. 1. An Analysis of Economic Value of Utilizing Pyroligneous Liquid in Oriental Medicine and the Support System for Further Development 177
      5. 2. A Study of Development and Use of Korean-Type Carbonization Apparatus for Logging Residues Utilization 179
      5. 3. Monthly Outlook for Chestnut 181
      5. 4. Monthly Outlook for Oak-mushroom 182
      5. 5. A Study of Introducing Crop Insurance System for Chestnuts 183
      5. 6. Policy Directions and Strategies of Shiitake Mushroom Industry in Korea 184
      5. 7. An Analysis of Impact of WTO/DDA Negotiations on Forest Products 185
      5. 8. Mid-Long Term Strategy for Increasing Forest Resources Sustainability 186
      6. 1. A Survey to Improve Nongmin Shinmun (Farmers Newspaper) 189
      7. 1. Taiwan's Rice Market Opening and Implications 193
      7. 2. New Direction for TRQ System Improvement in Korea 194
      7. 3. China's Production of Japonica Type Rice and the Export Potential 196
      7. 4. Strategy Suggestion for Korea in the WTO Rice Negotiations 197
      7. 5. A Comprehensive Study on the Korea's Rice Negotiations under the WTO 199
      7. 6. Production and Export Potential of Japonica Rice in China 200
      8. 1. Effects of Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation on Korean Agriculture 203
      8. 2. Preparation for Korea-Japan FTA Negotiations on Agriculture 205
      8. 3. A Basic Study on ASEAN Agricultural Sector In Connection With the Upcoming FTA Negotiations between korea and ASEAN 206
      8. 4. White Paper on Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement 208
      8. 5. Effects of FTA between Korea and EFTA on Agricultural Sector 209
      9. 1. A Study on Integrated Agriculture & Rural Policy Measures 213
      10.1. Current Situation and Prospects of the New Zealand's Horticultural Industry 217
      10.2. The Status and Prospects of Orange/Grape Industries in the United States 218
      10.3. The Korean and Australian Beef Markets and Prospects for Trade 219
      10.4. U.S. Food Aid Programs 224


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  • 이전글 연차보고서 2004
