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  • 농지은행제도 도입에 관한 연구
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    김홍상 , 김경덕

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • The current situation of DDA agricultural negotiation and rice market opening negotiation under the WTO system strongly urges Korean government to open more positively agricultural product market, especially rice market, which will result in the decrease in the profitability of rice industry and the...

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서 론
      1. 농지은행제도 도입 추진 경위 1
      2. 연구의 필요성과 목적 3
      3. 연구범위와 방법 6
      제2장 쌀시장 여건 변화에 따른 농지가격 변동 분석
      1. 최근까지의 농지가격 변동의 실태와 특성 10
      2. 쌀값과 농지가격 변동간의 관계 분석 14
      3. 쌀시장개방 시나리오별 쌀값변동과 농지가격 분석 21
      제3장 외국의 사례 분석과 시사점
      1. 일본의 사례 24
      2. 프랑스의 사례 32
      3. 미국의 사례 37
      4. 외국 사례의 시사점 38
      제4장 농지은행의 기본구상
      1. 농지은행제도의 개념과 도입의 기본방향 42
      2. 농지은행의 주요 기능과 사업범위 51
      3. 주요 기능별 도입시기 56
      4. 농지은행의 운영 주체 59
      5. 농지은행의 재원조달 방안 62
      제5장 농지은행의 주요 기능(사업)별 도입방안
      1. 농지시장 안정 기능 64
      2. 종합적 농지관리기구 기능 68
      3. 농지유동화정보 생산·관리 기능 70
      제6장 농지은행제도 운영시 제기되는 주요 검토과제
      1. 사업대상농지의 우선순위 72
      2. 보유농지의 처리와 활용방안 73
      3. 농지매입·매도가격의 결정방식 74
      4. 수지구조와 수지전망 77
      5. 관련 정책사업과의 관계 정립 79
      6. 원활한 기능 수행을 위한 제도 정비 83
      제7장 요약 및 결론 85
      Abstract 91
      참고문헌 93
      부 록 97


    The current situation of DDA agricultural negotiation and rice market opening negotiation under the WTO system strongly urges Korean government to open more positively agricultural product market, especially rice market, which will result in the decrease in the profitability of rice industry and the rapid decrease in demand and price of farmland. Rice fields have used most of farmlands and the farmland has been the most important asset of farmers in Korea. Farmland market and farmers' economy shall be thrown into confusion by the sharp decline in farmland demand and price. These changes in farmland price have required to introduce a new farmland management system that is very different from the existing ones.
    The main purpose of this research is to review the possibilities and prepare action programs for introducing farmland banking system as a new farmland management system and a few policy issues surrounding it.
    This research shows the reasons why the introduction of farmland banking system is necessary and the main role of farmland banking system, and they can be summarized as follows : (1) Korean government should take a measure to stabilize the farmland market, (2) it should cope with the diverse and increasing demand for farmland to accord the changes in farmland systems(making a partial amendment of the Farmland Law) and to empower and enterprise rural community etc, and (3) it should make the rice industry competitive by improving the existing farmsize through ‘farmsize increasing projects’ and restructuring the industry etc.
    Japanese, French, and American experiences show severe problems of sudden decrease in price and confusion of farmland market. But it will not happen and the decrease of farmland price can play positive role in restructuring rice industry if Korean government takes measures to meet the situation of opening rice market and farmland banking system is introduced to Korea and mobilizes the farmland more actively than before.
    Farmland banking system can be introduced a little more easily by putting the roles of farmland banking system onto the KARICO(Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation) that has managed the ‘farmsize increasing projects’.
    There are several policy issues for introducing this kind of new system : types of buying farmland, the priorities in target group of farmland, time to buy farmland, fundraising, taking legal steps for realizing new programs, harmonizing with other programs, reforming the practicing systems of the related policy programs etc.
    Researchers : Kim Hong-Sang, Kim Kyeong-Duk
    E-mail Address : hskim@krei.re.kr

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    김홍상 (Kim, Hongsang)
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