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  • 농정포커스


  • 농산물시장의 국제 가격전이 효과 분석모형의 개발 및 응용
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    최세균 , Renee Kim; Milton Boyd
  • 목차

      Chapter 1. Introduction 1
      Section 1. Reasons for the Study 1
      Section 2. Main Objectives of the Study 4
      Section 3. Price Transmission Theory and Literature 7
      Section 4. Strengths of Model and Contribution Beyond Previous Models: 9
      Chapter 2. Data and Methodology 10
      Section 1. Data 10
      Section 2. Price Transmission Methodology 11
      Chapter 3. Policy Background for Price Transmission 19
      Section 1. Rice Sector in Korea 19
      Section 2. Grain Sector in Korea 32
      Section 3. Beef Sector in Korea 42
      Section 4. Pork Sector in Korea 50
      Section 5. Rice Sector in Japan 55
      Section 6. Grain Sector in Japan 64
      Section 7. Livestock Sector in Japan 69
      Section 8. EU Agriculture 78
      Section 9. US Crop Farm Policy 82
      Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 87
      Section 1. Properties of Data 88
      Section 2. Comparison of US Farm versus Korean Import Prices 94
      Section 3. Comparison of Korean Import and Farm & Wholesale Prices 107
      Section 4. Comparison of Macroeconomic Variables and Korean Prices 115
      Section 5. Comparison of U.S. Farm and Korean Farm Prices 126
      Section 6. Comparison of Retail and Farm Prices in the U.S. and Korea 133
      Section 7. Comparison of Korea Retail Prices vs. U.S. Retail Prices 143
      Section 8. Comparison of Korea & U.S. Output/Input Price Ratios 147
      References 150


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    최세균 (Choi, Seikyun)
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