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  • Agricultural Trade and Development Cooperation in Northeast Asia
  • 보고서 이미지 없음


    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 목차

    • Contents
      Situation and Prospects of Agricultural Cooperation in Northeast Asia
      China's International Agricultural Cooperation : Situation and Prospects / Donghuan Zahao /1
      China's International Agricultural Cooperation : Discussion / Ick-Soo Kim /21
      The Russian Far East : the Problems of Renewable Nature Use / Alexander S. Sheingauz/ 23
      The Russian Far East : Discussion / Hyunok Lee /37
      Status and Issues of Japanese Agricultural Development Cooperation in Northeast Asia-Focus on Relations with China / Hironao Kobayashi / 39
      Status and Issues of Japanese Agricultural Development Cooperation in Northeastern Asia : Discussion / Jin-Do Park / 53
      Changes in Agricultural Trade in Northeast Asia
      Agriculture and Trade in the Northeast Asian Socialist Countries in Transition : A Comparative View /Ill-Young Lee/55
      Agriculture and Trade in the Northeast Asian Socialist Countries in Transition : Discussion /Keun Lee /83
      The Impact of China's WTO Membership on World Trade with Emphasis on Agriculture : An Computable General Equilibrium / Zhi Wang / 85
      The Impact of China's WTO Membership on World Trade with Emphasis on Agriculture : Discussion / Sei-Kyun Choi / 137
      Korea's Perspective for Agricultural Cooperation with the Northeast Asian Countries
      Agriculture in North Korea Today and Possibilities of Technical Cooperation between North and South Korea / P. Kim Joo/ 139
      Agriculture in North Korea Today and Possibilities of Technical Cooperation between North and South Korea : Discussion / Sang-Mok Sohn / 167
      The Meaning and Situation of Korea's Participation in the Agricultural Cooperation in Northeast Asia / Jemo Koh /171
      The Meaning and Situation of Korea's Participation in the Agricultural Cooperation in Northeast Asia : Discussion / Min Tchul Kim /195



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