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  • 시대변화에 따른 농업·농촌의 공익적·경제적 가치 재조명
  • 보고서 이미지 없음

    김용렬 , 정학균; 민자혜
  • 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치(다원적 가치)에 대한 논의는 UR협상 당시 농산물 수입국 중심으로 농업의 비교역적 기능을 비교역적 관심사항(Non-Trade Concerns, NTC)이라고 명명하면서 주목을 받기 시작하였다. 그러나 FTA 협상 과정에서 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치나 다원적 가치에 대한 논의들은 거의 찾아 볼 수 없었다.

    기후변화, 생물다양성, 저탄소 녹색산업, 바이오에너지, 휴양공간, 도시농업, 귀농귀촌 확대 등 농업·농촌에 대한 새로운 수요들이 지속적으로 등장하고 있다. 이는 1990년대부터 201...

  • 목차

    • 제1장 서 론
      제2장 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치의 변화
      제3장 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치항목의 설정
      제4장 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치의 경제적 평가
      제5장 요약 및 정책적 시사점


    농업·농촌의 공익적 가치(다원적 가치)에 대한 논의는 UR협상 당시 농산물 수입국 중심으로 농업의 비교역적 기능을 비교역적 관심사항(Non-Trade Concerns, NTC)이라고 명명하면서 주목을 받기 시작하였다. 그러나 FTA 협상 과정에서 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치나 다원적 가치에 대한 논의들은 거의 찾아 볼 수 없었다.

    기후변화, 생물다양성, 저탄소 녹색산업, 바이오에너지, 휴양공간, 도시농업, 귀농귀촌 확대 등 농업·농촌에 대한 새로운 수요들이 지속적으로 등장하고 있다. 이는 1990년대부터 2012년까지의 국민들의 의식조사에서도 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치를 인정하는 의견이 90%를 넘어서는 것에서 알 수 있다.

    농업·농촌이 가지고 있는 식량안보, 환경보전, 지역사회 유지 및 사회경제적 기능, 경관 및 문화적 전통 유지, 국격제고 등 공익적 가치를 유지하기 위한 정부의 지원 확대가 필요한 시점이다.

    이 연구는 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치는 어느 정도이며, 국민들은 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치를 어떻게 생각하는지 살펴보고, 농업·농촌의 공익적 가치를 향상시키기 위해 필요한 정부의 역할에 대해서 정리하였다.

    Research Background

    The public value of agriculture and rural areas is closely associated with the concept of multifunctionality of agriculture and rural areas, which in turn signifies economic values other than the production function of agriculture and rural areas. What this means is that in addition to the production function of supplying food there are non-production functions related to food security, environment conservation, and maintenance of rural society and landscape. In order to build a national consensus on re-establishing the public functions of agriculture and rural areas and on establishing their future functions, it is necessary to present quantified economic values of the public functions.

    Research Method

    The research results at home and abroad on the public functions of agriculture and rural areas and the discussion trends of relevant domestic and international bodies were examined through a literature review. Also, expert meetings and policy councils were actively used to conceptualize the public functions of agriculture and rural areas and to draw policy measures.
    Surveys were conducted among experts and nationals to conceptualize the public functions of agriculture and rural areas and to identify the economic value. Based on the survey results, virtual scenarios were set up and the contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to estimate the amount consumers are willing to pay (WTP) for the public functions of agriculture and rural areas.

    Research Results

    This study selected five domains of the public value (environment conservation, maintenance of landscape and cultural tradition, enhancement of national prestige, local community maintenance and socio-economic functions, and food security) and 21 value items as components of the public value.
    In a preliminary survey of the public's awareness of and willingness to pay for the public value of agriculture and rural areas, the average price of each value item was calculated, and based on this average price, the base price was determined.
    The average prices shown in the preliminary survey are as follows: 7,721 won for environment conservation, 7,235 won for maintenance of landscape and cultural tradition, 4,113 won for enhancement of national prestige, 4,638 won for local community maintenance and socio-economic functions, and 4,970 won for food security.
    Based on the findings, the suggested prices for each domain were classified into seven groups.
    Questions were asked to find out whether the respondents think there is public value in each domain. Most respondents answered that there is public value in all the domains, and only less than 10% of the respondents answered that there is no public value. In addition, the respondents were asked whether they are willing to bear the special cost of maintaining and conserving the public value of agriculture and rural areas, and the results showed that more than a half of the respondents are willing to bear the cost in all domains with the exception of the public value of enhancing national prestige.
    On the question of which support method is most appropriate to share the public value of agriculture and rural areas, 67.9% of the respondents favored government fund and subsidy, whereas only 11.7% said that the cost should be borne by public contributions. As for the reason for not willing to bear the cost, 52.4% said that they can't afford the burden even though they wish they could. Only 0.8% said that they can't bear the burden "because there is no need to conserve the public value of agriculture and rural areas."
    An economic assessment of the public value of agriculture and rural areas was conducted using a binomial logistic regression model. The estimation results showed that the public value consumers are willing to pay ranges from a minimum of 6,346.8 billion won to a maximum of 9,327.2 billion won.
    The variables used to estimate the public value of agriculture and rural areas are as follows: suggested prices for willingness to pay, gender, age, monthly average income, level of education, current level of awareness of the public value, importance of future public value, level of awareness of the public value, level of awareness of the importance of agriculture in the national economy, willingness to move to a rural area, rural life experience, presence of a farmer in the family, number of family members, and number of rural visits per year.
    The Estimation Result 1 was calculated using all the variables listed above. The Estimation Result 2 was derived using only the variables that are significant in more than two domains in the estimation of Result 1. The public value of agriculture and rural areas, which is calculated based on Estimation Result 2, is estimated to range from a minimum of 6,346.8 billion won to a maximum of 9,327.2 billion won.

    Researchers: Yong-Lyoul Kim, Hak-Kyun Jeong, and Ja-Hye Min
    Research period: 2012. 5. - 2012. 12.
    E-mail address: kimyl@krei.re.kr


    김용렬 이미지

    김용렬 (Kim, Yonglyoul)
    - 선임연구위원
    - 소속 : 농촌환경연구본부

    저자에게 문의

    김용렬 이미지

    김용렬 (Kim, Yonglyoul)
    - 선임연구위원
    - 소속 : 농촌환경연구본부
    저자에게 문의

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