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KREI Provides Training for Viet Nam’s Public Officials Related to Agriculture
Writer KREI
Date 2014.05.15

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (President: Choi Sei-kyun) invited 10 public officials in Viet Nam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related organizations as part of the Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food Security (KAPEX) program and held the opening ceremony of the KAPEX Academy on May 12. KREI provides the officials with the one-week training program about “Administration of Agricultural Land System for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change in Viet Nam.”

The training consists of lectures, field trips, and discussion and aims to promote Vietnamese public officials’ understanding of Korea’s measures against climate change and agricultural land management experiences and to strengthen their ability to develop policy in this area. Participants will listen to experts’ lectures on Korea’s agricultural development and farmland management system, and theories about sustainable agricultural development. Participants will also tour related organizations including Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, the Saemangeum Project Office, the Jeonju Hanok Village, and the Global Green Growth Institute and will have a Q and A session. Also, participants will draft a concrete action plan regarding the training’s theme through discussion and will share opinions with experts.

This training program is expected to create a synergy effect with the Korea-Viet Nam joint research being performed as part of the KAPEX program and to contribute to farmland management for sustainable agriculture and rural development in the context of climate change in Viet Nam in the long term.



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