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Journal of Rural Development

상세보기 - 제목, 파일, 내용 정보 제공
International Comparison of Rates and Major Functions in the Wholesale Market of Fruits and Vegetables - Mainly Korea, Japan and France
Author Choi, Byungok
Views 39048 Publication Date 2019.06.30
This study aims to suggest a strategy for improving policies and revitalizing the wholesale markets along with implications for the essential function and role of the wholesale markets by comparing and analyzing the overseas markets of Japan and France with the wholesale markets of Korea. The fruit and vegetable wholesale markets have been a supporters of the economy around large-scale cities, and have played a role for the public good, (i.e. fair transactions and price stability). However, a significant change has been observed in the function and role of the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets because of the changing market and distribution environment, such as large-scale distributors entering the market. Therefore, it is necessary to know the historical environment in which the wholesale markets of major countries have been created and developed, and how the function and role of the wholesale markets have changed. This knowledge is required for establishing a more efficient strategic policy for distribution related to the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets of Korea.

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