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  • 농촌의 내발적 지역활성화에 관한 한·일 간 비교연구- 지역사례연구를 중심으로 -
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    김태곤 , 정기환; 송미령

    ※ 원문보기 클릭 시 에러가 나는 경우 조치 방법 : "고객센터 - 자주하는 질문" 참조

  • 내발적 발전이란 지역이 안고 있는 문제에 대해 지역의 주체가 객관적으로 인식하여 문제해결의 대안을 마련하는 지역 개발방식이다. 지역사회를 근간으로 하여 지역사회를 구성하는 주민과 단체가 개발 주체가 되어 지역 자원(resource)을 주도적으로 발굴·개발하고 생산적으로 활용하여 지역 전체의 발전적 변화를 도모하는 과정(process)을 말한다.
    내발적 발전의 구성 요소는, ① 다양한 주체의 조직화, ② 주체의 역량 강화, ③ 지역자원의 생산적 활용과 보전관리, 그리고 ④ 문제해결을 위한 전문적이고 지속적인 활동 등이다. <...

  • 목차

    • ▷서론
      ▷내발적 발전론과 농촌지역 활성화
      ▷농촌지역의 사회조직과 지도력 구조
      ▷마을영농의 실태와 과제
      ▷마을 만들기 사업의 전개와 특징
      ▷요약 및 제언


    내발적 발전이란 지역이 안고 있는 문제에 대해 지역의 주체가 객관적으로 인식하여 문제해결의 대안을 마련하는 지역 개발방식이다. 지역사회를 근간으로 하여 지역사회를 구성하는 주민과 단체가 개발 주체가 되어 지역 자원(resource)을 주도적으로 발굴·개발하고 생산적으로 활용하여 지역 전체의 발전적 변화를 도모하는 과정(process)을 말한다.
    내발적 발전의 구성 요소는, ① 다양한 주체의 조직화, ② 주체의 역량 강화, ③ 지역자원의 생산적 활용과 보전관리, 그리고 ④ 문제해결을 위한 전문적이고 지속적인 활동 등이다.
    내발적 발전론의 관점에서 본 농촌지역 활성화란 농업생산을 기본으로 하여, 농산물 가공이나 특산품개발 등의 2차 산업활동, 나아가 농산물 유통이나 도농교류, 농촌관광 등 3차 산업활동 등을 농촌지역에서 담당함으로써 농촌내부에서 고부가 가치화와 고용 창출 등에 의한 소득향상과 지역진흥을 도모하는 것을 말한다. 즉 농촌지역 활성화는 지역의 농업진흥을 기반으로 해야만 지속성을 가지게 된다.
    이 연구는 이러한 내발적 발전론의 관점에서 다양한 주체의 조직화와 역량 강화에 관련하여 한·일 양국의 농촌 사회조직, 마을단위에서 농지·노동력·자본을 적절히 조직화하여 농업진흥을 도모하는 마을영농, 그리고 이러한 활동 위에서 도농교류와 농촌관광 등을 통한 마을 만들기 사업 등에 관한 한·일 사례연구의 결과이다

    This is a comparative study between Korea and Japan on the endogenous rural development policy. Endogenous development strategy could be defined as the subjects of a community aware the community problems and find the solution with the community resources through development activities. Endogenous community development, therefore, consists with four components: organizing subjects, building capacity of the subjects, utilization and conservation of community resources, and activities for problem solving. Rural community revitalization could be realized through the increase of development activities for agricultural production and processing, specialized products, and rural tourism and rural-urban exchange,...etc.
    This study consists with three cases: community social organizations; community farming groups; and community building through rural-urban exchange and rural tourism.
    1. Community Organizations and the Condition of Endogenous Rural Community Development
    Sound age Structure of population in a community is very important for the development of the community. The age structure of Korean rural community is relatively sound compared to the age structure of Japanese rural community. However, the age structure of Korean rural community is rapidly changing, and becomes more aged than Japanese rural community in the near future. Korean rural community shall face problems of scares of human resources, in particular with leaders who are young and succeed community leadership.
    As the heavy migration and change of age structure in Korean rural communities, traditional social organizations become weak and dissolved. In the case of Japan, it is very rare that the traditional community organizations still remain. However, the social organizations in Japanese rural communities are well organized according to the needs of modern community living in the spheres of village autonomous administration, economics, religion, and culture.
    Fostering young leaders who will be the community leaders in the future is so important factor for the endogenous rural community development. The community leaders must be fostered from young ages as participating in community activities and learn the norms and tradition of community organizations.
    2. Community Farming Groups and Agricultural Development
    Cooperative farming company(CFC) in Korea produce farm products individually, while sell the farm products cooperatively. Even though the members of a CFC know that cooperative production is better than individual production in the sense of saving production cost, it is not easy task for them to follow the principle, and therefor it is not realized yet. The individual farmer in the company is a full time farmer and has a large scale of farm machineries, which capacity is over to his farming scale.
    In the case of Japan, community farming groups produce agricultural products in the way of cooperative and participating in the processing and marketing of the farm products. The group farming in Japan is the way of cost saving than the individual farming.
    Community farming group in Japan could save production cost and prevent the increase of idle farm land in rural community. It also possible to increase income and employment in the farm sector through the increase of vegetable cultivation after rice and the increase of farm processing and rural tourism.
    The leaders of the group farming in the case of Japan are mostly pat-time farmers and reentered farmers after the retirement of nonfarm business. The experiences learnt from the nonfarm sector becomes valuable for vitalizing group farming activities.
    However, in the case of Korea, the leaders of the cooperative farming company are mostly full time farmers. Therefor, reentered farmers who experienced from nonfarm business sector are not utilized. The leadership of reentered farmers must be considered for the vitalization of cooperative farming company in Korea.
    3. Community Building and Revitalization
    The community building between Japan and Korea are very similar in objectives, contents, activities, resources, and outside supports. The ways of endogenous rural community development could be classified into four steps according to the process of development and the role play between community people and local government: mobilized, participatory, initiative and autonomous. In particular, the facilitators such as NPOs, professions, companies and civic organizations paly important role for each step of endogenous development.
    In the case of Japan, the facilitators are well organized and developed compared to the case of Korea. However, in the case of Korea, the facilitators are mostly local government officers. The partnership between community people and local government officers leads community building activities in Korea.
    The activities of civic organizations in the form of NGOs are increasing in Korea, the weaknesses of rural community activities caused by aged and depopulation are covered by civic organizations such as NPOs in Japan. It is desirable for the development of endogenous rural community development in Korea to foster facilitators such as NPO in Japan, and develop various program for the participation of community people in the course of endogenous community development.

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    김태곤 (Kim, Taegon)
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