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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Insight of Cambodian Officials on of Korean ODA

Insight of Cambodian Officials on of Korean ODA

Lay Pisey
2018 KAPEX  Cambodian Trainee

August 2018, 3 Cambodian government officials from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries were invited to attend a training program that widened their mind toward Korean Official Development Assistance, the KAPEX Academy. I was one among the three to get the golden chance to participate in such a crucial 5 weeks training. 

I can easily describe the Republic of Korea in a single term as “a Beautifully Mesmerizing Country”. After gaining more knowledge about the recent history of how the aids recipient nation in the 1950s transformed within a short period to a donor country, the term to describe it has changed to “a Beautifully Mesmerizing Awesome Country”, clearly. Working in the division of International Cooperation, I got to travel to countries and participated in several trainings. All of those were crucial to my work, but never once had I gained a deep insight of the topic I was expecting. 5 continuous weeks is the longest abroad training I ever had, but it was quite like a blink of an eye with KAPEX Academy. Every single site visit, lecture and lecturer was noticeably interesting and relevant to what my work needs, or at least will need. The facilitators of this program really did their best to make every moment count. I wish I could stay longer, honestly. I am obliged to myself to never forget to mention KREI itself while mentioning KAPEX Academy or Korea in general. The environment, the foods, the people all make the best combination of a research institute. I do not need to mention that there is a coffee machine at every floor. I have never stopped dreaming to see such thing in my country. 

The KAPEX Academy gave me a very strong self-confident as I continue working in International Cooperation division. As my country still need a lot more ODA, I do believe that my knowledge, from the KAPEX Academy, is helpful.
