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Research Report 

게시물 검색

[Total : 178] 13 / 18 page

Research Report 목록 - No, Category, Title, Date, Writer, Hit, File 정보 제공
No Category Title Date Writer Hit File
NO58 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit926 File [Vietnam] Sustainable and Effective Farmland Use in Viet Nam Case Study in the Red River Delta and Practical Experiences from Korea 첨부파일
NO57 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit865 File [Vietnam] Action Plan for Two Rural Communities in Vietnam 첨부파일
NO56 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit832 File [Vietnam] 2016 Korea-China and Korea-Vietnam FTA Implementation and Agricultural Trade Trends 첨부파일
NO55 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit783 File [Bangladesh] Basic Survey on Agricultural Sectors in Major Cooperative Countries: fucused on six Countries 첨부파일
NO54 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit789 File [Canada]Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry in Canada 첨부파일
NO53 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit845 File [Bangladesh] Agricultureand Implications in Bangladesh 첨부파일
NO52 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit786 File [Paraguay] Paraguay Agriculture Status and Implications 첨부파일
NO51 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit825 File [Cuba]Cuba's Sustainable Agriculture and Policy 첨부파일
NO50 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit835 File [Cuba]Cuban urban agriculture 첨부파일
NO49 CategoryResearch Title Date 2018.03.22 Writer KREI Hit754 File [Myanmar] Way of overseas agriculture development and  resources building for food security system (1/3) 첨부파일