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KREI Signed MOU with OECD for Agricultural Research Cooperation
Writer KREI
Date 2017.04.20

Signed MOU with OECD for Agricultural Research Cooperation

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France, April 18.

The two institutions decided to take the MOU as an opportunity to seek new collaboration methods through joint research in various fields such as the agricultural, rural and food sectors. Also, KREI and the OECD will strengthen cooperation for the two institutions’ joint research project in progress, “Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Korea.”

With the signing of this MOU, KREI plans to actively cooperate with the OECD in research, human exchanges, and the holding of expert workshops and meetings on agricultural and food policy, the agri-food industry, trade and development, and sustainable agriculture.

KREI President Kim Changgil said, “The conclusion of the MOU with the OECD will lead to research collaboration in more diverse fields and create a big synergy in KREI’s studies for expanding growth engines for the development of Korean agriculture and rural communities.”

Established in 1960, the OECD consists of 35 member countries, and Korea joined it in 1996. The organization mainly performs research and proposes policies to help member and non-member countries to achieve growth and overcome poverty through economic growth and financial stability. In particular, through the Trade and Agriculture Directorate, the OECD deals with issues including agricultural policies and support, agricultural trade, the environment and trade, export credits, fisheries, non-tariff measures, research programs on biological resources in agriculture, and sustainable agriculture. The organization actively carries out activities in the agriculture sector, analyzing and reviewing relevant agendas in a joint working party separate from the Environment Policy Committee and the Trade Committee.

President Kim attends the 43rd meeting of the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment as its chair in Paris on April 19-20, presiding over the meeting on green growth, agri-environmental indicators, climate change and agriculture, agricultural water, and biodiversity.




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