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OECD-KREI Expert Meeting on Green Growth and Agriculture and Food
Writer 김홍원
Date 2011.04.05

 OECD-KREI Expert Meeting on Green Growth and Agriculture and Food
- Seoul, Korea,  6-8 April 2011 -


The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) has kindly offered to host the workshop. The workshop will be held at the following address:
Plaza Hotel
23 Taepyeongno 2-ga
Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea

Delegates to the Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment are invited to register via their Delegation to the OECD (EMS system). Other participants, by invitation only, should contact the OECD. There is no cost for registration; however participants are responsible for their own expenses. Given the tight deadlines, it would be helpful if Delegations could indicate at their earliest convenience their intent to participate by e-mail to or

KREI, Chang-Gil Kim,
OECD, Hsin Huang,

For Hotel Reservations and other practical information, please visit the meeting website

Background notes to the Draft Agenda

Theme of the expert meeting
This expert meeting is a follow-up of the OECD Green Growth Strategy Workshop held on 10-11 February 2011. It is intended to advance the work by addressing some of the knowledge gaps identified from Delegations in the discussion of the draft report on A Green Growth Strategy for Food and Agriculture (COM/TAD/CA/ENV/EPC(2010)35 /REV1).
While the draft report was wide-ranging and included material on fisheries and the food chain, this expert meeting will predominantly focus on “agriculture”, in particular on: (i) the contribution of innovation to enhancing resource productivity in agriculture and (ii) the measurement of progress towards green growth. Nevertheless, there are important links between agriculture and the food chain, and where appropriate these links will be acknowledged.

Expected outcome
This meeting is an input into the OECD’s continuing work on the role of agriculture in contributing to green growth. As an expert meeting, the intent is to focus mainly on technical issues. While the concluding session of the meeting will include a discussion of the policy framework conditions to move forward the green growth strategy in agriculture, this should be seen as a preliminary discussion relating mainly to the country experiences shared at the expert meeting, given that the main forum for this discussion remains the Joint Working Party of Agriculture and the Environment. In this respect, the outcome will be an input into the full discussion of the OECD strategy to develop a forward looking policy framework for the agriculture and food sector that will take place at the next Joint Working Party of Agriculture and the Environment (10-12 October 2011).


601, Bitgaram-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58217, KOREA TEL : +82-61-820-2000 FAX : +82-61-820-2211