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Policy Seminar Entitled “Analysis of Major Controversies Surrounding WTO/DDA Agenda and Korea"s Strategy for Trade Negotiations“
Writer Admin
Date 2006.02.21
“Need to make the most of commodities sensitive to DDA negotiations and special commodities.“

The KREI and the Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies (KATIS) jointly held a seminar at the grand conference room of the KREI on February 20, 2005 on the subject of “Analysis of major controversies surrounding WTO/DDA agenda and Korea's strategy for trade negotiations.“
In the opening ceremony of the seminar, KREI President Choi Jung-sup wished that the seminar will serve as the valuable time for exchanging trade negotiation strategies and information.
The seminar proceeded by presider Yoon Gi-gwan, President of the KATIS, and in Session 1, KREI Specialized Researcher Cho Kyu-dae made a presentation entitled “Measures to smoothly resolve the negotiating agenda in agriculture.“ In the presentation, Specialized Researcher Cho said, “The DDA negotiations will confirm details in agriculture and NAMA sector by the end of April this year, and the implementation plan of each country will be submitted by the end of July. Based on the time schedule, negotiations are underway.“ He forecast, “Considering the current negotiation development, 100 percent or above high tariffs will be considerably reduced. Agricultural and livestock products are mainly imposed with tariffs of 20~45 percent or 140~400 percent Therefore, it will be difficult for Korea to maintain the current high tariff for concerned agricultural and livestock products.“ Researcher Cho said, “From the perspective, Korea should focus its negotiating power on preparing the conditions for making the most of tariff sensitive and special commodities whose tariff reduction will be smaller than regular commodities.“ He also expressed his opinion “The Korean agriculture was moved to Blue Box and Green Box from the subsidy group. Therefore, Korea should more actively respond to the moves of agricultural exporters who want to strengthen regulations.“
Dr. Kim Do-hoon of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET) made a presentation entitled “Market Access Strategy for Non-agricultural Commodities.“ Cheon Jun-ho, head of the trade disputes resolution department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, presented on “DDA Service Negotiation Trends and Responses.“ After the presentations, some time was allocated for discussion.
In Session 2, the seminar was presided over by Prof. Jeong In-gyo of Inha University. In the session, Yoon Gang-hyeon, head of WTO department of the MOFAT, made a presentation entitled “Analysis of Controversies Surrounding DDA Criteria and Negotiating Strategies.“ Prof. Yang Jun-seok of Catholic University presented about “Measures to Accelerate WTO-based Trade“ and Hong Jae-mun, head of the DDA team of the MOFAT, presented about “DDA Negotiating Trend in Development Sector and Responsive Measures.“ Discussions were held after each of the presentations.
After all presentations were concluded, KREI President Choi Jung-sup led an comprehensive discussion on WTO/DDA negotiating strategies where all presenters, discussants, and audience participated.

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