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2nd International Symposium on Agricultural and Rural Development in Northeast Asia to Be Held
Writer admin
Date 2005.09.21
Heo Gil-haeng, the acting president of the KREI, will host the 2nd international symposium on agricultural and rural development in Northeast Asia at Dasan Hall, Taedong Building of the KREI (located at Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul) on September 26, 2005 (Mon) from 10:00 a.m. on the subject of 'Present and Future of Rice Industry in Northeast Asia.'

Schedule of the 2nd International Symposium on Agricultural and Rural Development in Northeast Asia

□ Subject : Present and Future of Rice Industry in Northeast Asia
□ Time : Monday, September 26, 2005, 10:00∼18:00
□ Venue : Dasan Hall, Taedong Building at the KREI

□ 10:00∼10:20 Opening

□ 10:20∼12:20 Effects of Northeast Asian Rice Market Opening and Tasks Ahead
    - Chairman: Kim Yong-taek (KREI)
    - Subject 1: Grain issues in Northeast Asia and Tasks of Rice Farming
                         (Kim Tae-gon, KREI)
    - Subject 2: Rice Demand & Supply in Northeast Asia and Prospect
                         (Lee Tae-ho, Seoul National University)
    - Subject 3: Structural Changes in Korean Rice Farming (Kim Jeong-ho, KREI) 
    - Discussants: Han Du-bong (Korea University), Lee Il-young (Hanshin University)

□ 12:20∼13:30 Lunch and Ceremonial Picture-taking

□ 13:30∼15:30 Production Structural Changes in Northeast Asian Rice Farming
    - Chairman: Jang Won-geol (中國 吉林農業大學)
    - Subject 4: Changes in Japan's Rice Production and Tasks Ahead
                         (安藤光義 日本 恣城大學)
    - Subject 5: Structural Reform of Agriculture in China and Farmers' Response
                         (酒井富夫 日本 富山大学 )
    - Subject 6: Structural Changes of Rice Farming in Jilin Province, 
                         China (姜 會明 中国 吉林農業大學 )
    - Discussants: Go Jae-mo (Hyupsung University), Seo Se-wuk
                                (National Assembly Budget Office)

□ 15:30∼16:00 Coffee Break

□ 16:00∼18:30 Distribution Structural Changes of Rice Farming in Northeast Asia and Responses
    - Chairman: 酒井富夫(日本 富山大学)
    - Subject 7: Rice Distribution Reform of Jilin Province, China, and
                         Tasks Ahead (張越杰 中國 吉林農業大學)
    - Subject 8: Tasks Related to Rice Distribution in Japan After Rice Market Opening
                         (冬木勝仁 日本 東北大學)
    - Subject 9: Tasks Related to Rice Distribution in Korea by Agricultural Cooperatives
                          (Jeon Chan-ik, NACF Research Institute)
    - Discussants: Park Dong-gyu (KREI), Na Jun-sun (PN Rice)

□ 18:00 Close and Dinner


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