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Journal of Rural Development

상세보기 - 제목, 파일, 내용 정보 제공
Effects of Nutrition Information and Exercise on Dietary Pattern of Hypertensive Group
Author Won, Jingi
Views 39074 Publication Date 2019.09.30
Recently, the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes is increasing in trend worldwide. In the case of Korea, the number of patients with chronic diseases is growing due to the increase in the elderly population. Systematic care is needed to prevent the additional problems that have been caused by an increase in the number of chronic disease patients such as increased medical costs and loss of workforce. This paper investigates the effects of the nutritional label and exercises on dietary patterns of hypertensive patients using a Sharp Regression Discontinuity Design (SRDD). The 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013~2015) data was used and analyzed using the SRDD to mitigate the selection bias. The result implies that the hypertensive group utilized nutrition labeling properly, but did not pay attention to dietary habit with excise. Therefore, a customized education that can be applied to real life is needed to induce healthy eating habits of hypertension patients.

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