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How to Advance a Young Beginning Farmers Fostering System
Author Ma, Sangjin
Views 81387 Publication Date 2018.02.14
The purpose of this study was to develop measures for advancing a young beginning farmers fostering system. For the purpose, this study reviewed literature related with beginning farms, analysed agriculture statistics, investigated domestic and foreign best practices, and surveyed agricultural students, adult learners preparing for farming, young farmers, and general farmers.
This study defined young beginning farmers as farmers under 40 years old with farming experience less than 3 years; classified the types of young beginning farmers into successive young farmers and new young farmers based on their farming background; and identified barriers to beginning a farm including capital, technical, and social factor. This study synthesized the beginning farm ecosystem as a systematic solution for beginning farmers’ predicaments.
This study analyzed changes of the farmer age structure and forecasted the number of young farmers in the near future: the ratio of young farmers under 40 years old is 1.3% in 2015, which is one of the lowest in the world. More than 1,000 young farmers were required to be added every year to transform the trend of the declining number of young farmers.
Also, this study explored various influx pathways of young farmers including school to farm and urban-rural migration, and investigated farm succession related factors: non-agricultural income and scientific farm management rather than farm scale. The young farmers’ current status of farm management and quality of life were analysed: Household income of young farmers is highly related to farm corporate experience before beginning farming and keeping accounts; and their quality of life is highly related to social factors such as mentee experience before beginning farming and recognition from community rather than economic factors. Young farmer case study showed that successful young farmers are well educated in agricultural schools or training institutes and have a good community relationship and human network.
Analysis of current young farmer fostering policies, specific programs and networking of farming supporting agencies revealed the following problems: no models for young farmers; lack of policies that are working and accessible in the field; insufficient consideration of new young farmers with weak farming bases; lack of governance for young farmers; and absence of a local comprehensive supporting system for young farmers.
Based on these results, this study suggested basic direction for the young beginning farmers fostering system: the beginning farm ecosystem based on local governance. The specific measures for the direction are as follows: 1) establishment of young farmer models, 2) reorganization of young farmer fostering programs by farming developmental stage, 3) establishment of local agricultural workforce development plans, 4) local governance for the agricultural workforce, 5) an one-stop agricultural workforce supporting organization, 6) customized support for young farmers by beginning type, 7) support for basic living expenses for young beginning farmers, 8) support for ensuring decent life quality of young farmers, 9) enhancement of national agriculture literacy, and 10) a regular young farmer survey.

Researchers: Ma Sangjin, Jeong Eunmi, Kim Kyungin
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 10.
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